The Truth about the 7 asteroids set to impact Earth between 23rd-28th of September 2015
Ok,you have all been fed bits of information and misinformation by the NASA and NWO
they are preparing for the announcement made by Pope Francis aka Petrus Romanus in the saint Malachi prophecy of popes...the last one
he shall come to UN assembly on 23rd and say that the astronomers of Vatican have discovered 7 asteroids set to impact Gaia between 23rd and 28th of september 2015
yes one will fall near Bucharest on 23rd
yes there will be a small one near Houston Texas,500 meters long on 28 th,the last one
yes,the biggest one,1.5 miles long and half mile wide shall fall into the atlantic ocean ,132 miles east of north carolina on 26th in the evening in USA ,morning 27th in Romania
so I am saying all these to you to prepare
yes FEMA will evacuate the east coast to Chicago and westwards and northwards
yes Europe and Americas shall suffer the most
yes,Osiris the second largest shall fall near Madagascar as NASA mural shows it
the idea is
the people in charge have no actual experience and this society shall be destroyed by Russia and China and by nuclear explosions and nuclear plants melting
that is the truth
I shall stop them
but I cannot stop war
So were we! You can find all of this, and more, on Fundies Say the Darndest Things!
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