Anonymous Coward #fundie

The Debate Is Over - More Than 50 Eyewitnesses Who Saw Heaven, Hell, Jesus Etc. - No More Denying That Christianity Is Real!

The debate is over.

The following website contains the EYEWITNESS testimony of over 50 individuals from all over the world that have seen heaven, hell, Jesus, etc.:

[link to]

Let me say it again.

The debate is over.

Christianity is real and the Bible is true.

If you are still a skeptic, then I challenge you to go to that website and watch or read even 10 of the mind blowing testimonies there and then come back here and tell us how confident you are that you know all the answers.

Take my challenge.

Do it.

How can you deny so many credible eyewitnesses from all over the world who don't know each other who all saw the same thing?

You can't.

It's over.

It is time for you to decide if you are going to follow God or if you are going to reject Him.

God is still doing miracles and supernatural things today just like He did in the Bible. If you don't know that, you need to learn that. A good place to start learning that is right here:

[link to]

So what do you all have to say about all the eyewitnesses?

Can you deny them ALL?

If even ONE of them is right, then skeptics you are WRONG.

These eyewitness testimonies drive atheists crazy!!

So take my challenge.

Go to the website at the top of this thread, and read at least 10 of the testimonies.

Then come back here and tell me how much of a skeptic you are.



So were we! You can find all of this, and more, on Fundies Say the Darndest Things!

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