I did. And by the criteria of atheists, a goat could have just as easily changed into a human as an ape. Afterall, what is entailed in animals changing into human beings, is tails dropping off, standing on 2 legs and using the other 2 for arms, developing a human brain, all of which is nothing short of miraculous. So since it would have been a miracle, then any animal could have changed into a human using the cretieria of atheists. Sorry. It's all a fairy tale and not even a good fairy tale because atheists calim it's true. That's the most irrational thing of all.
Afterall, what is entailed in animals changing into human beings, is tails dropping off, standing on 2 legs and using the other 2 for arms, developing a human brain, all of which is nothing short of miraculous.
Not really. Humans have all of the same structures as other mammals, just grown to different sizes. For example, humans have tails - they're hidden under our skins. In fact, they're a major design defect of humans. The tail protrudes into a woman's birth canal. It sometimes has to be broken to get the baby out.
Carico, and you think that snakes can speak and that a woman can be born from a rib, or from nothing, as Caine´s wife?. Transmutation is not evolution, even if they have the same ending.
Sorry Carico, your strawman fails.
There is nothing inherant to atheism that suggests that a goat can change into a human.
There is nothing inherant to atheism that suggests that an ape can change into a goat.
There is nothing inherant to atheisn that suggests that any animal can change into any other animal.
The only thing entailed in any animal changing into any other animal is magical intervention by a magical being of some sort. Tails dropping off is usualy a symptom of severe and fatal infection.
The criteria of atheists is this,
Thats it,
Can't they stop it with the parodies and instead do some actual research. This is like me going, "yeah, the Bible says the whole Earth was covered in water, but that they survived by building an Ark out of steel with GPS, Air Conditioning, and a nuclear reactor".
Get a life, fundies.
What's most depressing is not that Carico constantly constructs strawmen to fight, but that half the time the strawmen win.
Unless she is clearly shown to be a troll, not a genuine fundy after all, I don't vote to 'drop' Carico from FSTDT, not least because it would probably give her entirely the wrong message. Besides, why exclude her and not "Trinidad & Tobago", "B(r)ent" or a number of other regulars here?
First, Carico get it into your little arrogant brain that atheist and evolution are not the same. Atheist are non-believers in any God. Remember that ANY GOD! Not Allah, Odin, Zeus, Jesus, Bal, Thor, etc. NO GOD! I know this spoils your selfish concept of your Christian God being the only one "worthy of dis-belief", but no, atheists are not pagans or Muslims, sorry to burst that bubble! Evolution is not a religion, let me repeat, EVOLUTION IS N-O-T A RELIGION!!!! It is a scientific concept that is constantly being proven by observation. Your miracle is simple, it is called time! Millions and millions of years of time is all it takes. Creationism on the other hand is not science, it is an unproven religious tenet and (I truly hate to break this to you) each and every religion has a different one! There's your fairy tale or fairy tales, more to the point. Fundies want to teach our kids THEIR religious beliefs in school instead of proven science, now that's irrational! Teach your religion in your church, and let us teach real science in the schools!
(since there was quite a bit of positive feed back for my Bro Randy paragraph. Ive decided to do one for yet another prominent fundy, Carico this time using Cs)
Come now Carico, carefully consider canning it. Your contributions confound and confuse close to completley. Certainly Carico, you must catch a clue before contributing to the churchgoing concourses at your conveinience. Cleary you can construct corkers to compete with the conceptions of other christian con artists. Cleary Ive carried on, it would be commendable of me to clarify, you may call me C!!!
I mean, not that the idea of an intelligent goat is completely far-fetched (though not really the most logical progression, given that all goats basically do is eat and climb), but an intelligent goat wouldn't look all that human...
So were we! You can find all of this, and more, on Fundies Say the Darndest Things!
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