David J. Stewart #conspiracy jesus-is-savior.com
Since 2002 when I began my online ministry, I have learned that the whole left/right paradigm (Democrat/Republican) is a New World Order (NWO) Luciferian hoax. America's political system has been hi-jacked and rigged. In fact, our whole federal government has been hi-jacked by criminals. Congresswoman Cynthia McKinney saw this truth many years ago...
Alex Jones was great in the early days, but sadly has succumbed, for whatever reasons (money, he's tired, pressure, or a little of all the above) to join the Republican platform and support Trump.
Here are some informative articles that I have written...
When I saw photos of Donald Trump playing golf with the criminal Clintons, I knew he couldn't be trusted. Trump's father was a big kingpin in New York real-estate and politics, and so was his son. Trump is controlled by the Wall Street banks, as was President Barack Obama, who hired at least 37 former Goldman Sachs employees to work in the White House...
In summary, Satan is the god of this world. He uses the love of money to control the world. The Rothschild family control America through the international banks, the Federal Reserve, Wall Street, which explains why they have taken control over the White House.
I think Commander William Guy Carr (1895-1959) explained it best, who said that it's not about Freemasons, Catholics or Zionist Jews who control everything; but rather, these groups all fall under the LUCIFERIANS who do control everything...
The Bible confirms this in Ephesians 6:12, teaching us that we wrestle not against flesh and blood, but “against the rulers of the darkness of this world.” So, in my humble Christian opinion, Mr. Trump is bought and paid for by the Luciferian elite (aka, the Illuminati). They are careful to remain hidden behind the scenes, and to blame everything on departing U.S. Presidents, so as to keep us fooled all the time. President Trump is setting the stage for the next U.S. president. I actually heard Trump say that he WILL be president for two terms. We'll see.
The next Democrat president will make Mr. Obama look like a Sunday School teacher, taking our nation to new moral lows never imaged. We're already at Sodom's level, and we're headed much lower! The national news has been filled lately with incest, pedophilia and every perversion imaginable, and it's only going to get a lot worse, by design, which is what the Luciferian elite have been working so hard to create through perverse music videos, filthy internet, raunchy Hollywood films, satanic Walt Disney and the entire ungodly media. I read last week about a 46 year old woman (in Oklahoma I think it was) who married her 26 year old daughter. Another man in his 40's impregnated his biological daughter in her early 20's, and she's bragging about it on the internet in North Carolina. This stuff is where we are headed next legally! The Antichrist is called “the man of sin,” and to be well received, the world must stoop to new moral lows.