You Are Now Enriched #racist
Greg Johnson said that 1. he hopes Romney loses because he deserves to, and 2. Obama is good for White nationalism because he puts an undeniable black face on our problems.
During the campaign, I noticed more overt anti White hatred spewing from MSM than probably ever before in our history. O'Reilly is steamed about it, and last night he said he'll take it on and call it out. (All he'll do is draw attention to it, but he won't really debate it.) But "get Whitey" is now institutionalized in our culture. That should frighten you and serve as a warning. In a "get Whitey" culture, you can never relax and must always assume that since you are a target, somebody has you in their sights.
So here we are: four more of Obama, and growing anti White hatred, mixed with harsher measures to put us all under BRA Diversity. God, how hideous it will be!
We are at a point of "intersection": 1. the Gay Agenda has won the culture and institutions and will destroy the families not yet destroyed by feminism, drugs, porn, the pill, and abortion, 2. Islamofication is close behind, and now Christian churches are embracing InterFaith Chrislam, 3. Overt hatred and violence against Whites will become mainstreamed to the point of commonplace.
EVERYTHING FALLS APART from now on. In the chaos, you will be victimized.
This is Post 9/11 America. Obama was their second attack.
It all churns toward a Day of Reckoning, and justice will be what you can work out in your own neighborhood. Gold won't do you any good.