QuestionY #conspiracy
He will rise again
Some quick thoughts but the main theme is trying to decode the imagery of Blackstar and themes apparent.
Who: David Bowie aka Osiris aka son and consort of the goddess Arianhod/Isis
The video to David Bowie's latest release Blackstar is full of occult and hidden messages.
Each image can have many meanings. But all roads lead to the wizard of oz.
The scarecrows represent the Druid and Celtic rituals, which are linked to the fire festival and harvest; the straw man. Think also Guy Fawkes.
The story of the straw man shows an entity which is summoned through use of the scarecrows, a sacrifice, which possesses man hence the video of the people dancing, jerking, acting possessed. The entity dances in the farm fields for harvest as it is summoned by the witches coven (again think Celtic and Druid mythology), enters DB who we see is controlling those who are possessed. DB blindfolded with the fake eyes - the spirit of David Jones was moved aside and David Bowie born. In the video We see the sunlight entering the room of the possessed signifying the rebirth of DB, the birth of Horus, God of the sun, consort to the moon goddess.
This entity dies then rises again. If you read up on Arianhod moon goddess, Lugh, noting the similarities to Isis, Osiris, Horus you will start to see how the video closely follows Druid and Celtic mythology and of course Egyptian. The image of the skeleton flavoring towards the dark star signifies the reclaiming of the dead by Arianhod.
What did Iman tweet: Rise. And his other video: Lazarus.
What we have seen is the ritual and publicized death of the antichrist represented by David Bowie which links back to Osiris, his descent into the underworld and later rebirth as Isis' consort and son.
We also see themes related to the dark side of the moon, light and darkness (the dancers and the lighting).