Mack Major #fundie

Wet: Dead Things Are Formed Under The Water - my latest ebook is out! This ebook deals with the origin of demons, their ancestry, and where they come from.

It takes you on an epic journey through the Bible and other manuscripts from the Dead Sea Scrolls to show what the nature of demons truly is; and how they've influenced life on earth since their arrival here.

You'll be shocked to know that many of our current everyday practices have their origins with demonic activity. Including many of our sexual practices.

The ancient people had no problem accepting the reality of a supernatural world that coexisted right alongside our own natural world. It's only in modern times, since the advent of the scientific age, that we scoff at the notion of a supernatural world in favor of a natural world that we can manipulate ourselves through technology.

Even more surprising to know that much of our modern technology was in fact given to us by none other than demons! Which begs the question:

Are we manipulating nature: or are we being manipulated by diabolical forces from another dimension that want to enslave, control and ultimately destroy the human race? Moreover, what does the Bible say about these things?

Get your copy of Wet today for just $13.99 - and find ou



So were we! You can find all of this, and more, on Fundies Say the Darndest Things!

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