Abortion is totally and completely out of hand.
The numbers of abortions are immense.
Animals don't do that. This is reasonable?
There were 30.000 abortions in the Netherlands last year (IIRC). That would be 0,375% of the female population having an abortion if all of them were in their fertile age.
"Animals don't do that. This is reasonable?"
Animals kill their young for no apparent reason. Just look what happens if you keep a male rabbit in the same cage with a female rabbit while she is giving birth. You can usually get rid of quite a few dead baby rabbits the next day.
1. Human beings are a type of animal, so clearly they do.
2. What everyone already said about animals eating their young.
3. Some animals have been known to abort their fetus if the conditions for life are unfavorable. Much like what human beings do, only with doctors.
Oh, good, this again.
True Believer: That's wrong because animals don't do it.
Thinking person: I think you'll find that they do. (gives examples)
True Believer: Well, wild animals are no basis for human morality.
No, they don't abort. They just eat their young, or flat out abandon them in a great many cases.
Should we adopt that approach? Because I'd rather stem it when it's just a cluster of undeveloped cells, personally than resort to infanticide.
And up to half of all pregnancies end in miscarriage.
If you illegalized abortion, you would have to arrest God first.
Animals don't have doctors, clinic, economic problems, fear of stigma for being unwed mothers(and marriage, for that matter)...................
@David B
The point the article is trying to make is that estimates for world back alley abortions has been inflated in order to convince world leaders that legalizing abortion would decrease these numbers and keep women safe from the dangers of unsafe abortions.
Now, even if the prolifers were right, they're still the assholes in this situation. Sure the pro choicers fudged the numbers a bit, but they're doing it to try and convince countries to legalize abortions to save the lives of perhaps millions of women across the world. The Pro lifers are trying to down play back alley abortions to further their end, one of the consequences is that women will get more back alley abortions and thus die more frequently. It's as if these people are only pro life if you aren't born yet. After birth you can fucking die in a ditch for all they care.
Abortion in animal kingdom? You bet there is. And not just the killing-someone-else's-kid kind!
Perfect example: Tasmanian Devils.
Tasmanian Devils are marsupials. Like kangaroos and koalas, babies are born the size of a grain of rice who crawls into the pouch to develop the rest of the way through.
But unlike kangaroos and koalas who give birth to one pup at a time, the Devils do it a little differently.
When Tasmanian Devils gives birth, they usually give birth to 10-20 pups...but there's only 4 nipples. First four that starts suckling survives. Rest of them get eaten by mommy.
There's no way you can't call THAT anything else but ABORTION!
Just a further comment on marsupials.
The ability to arrest development (ie stop gestation) as well as to spontaneously abort via the use of hormones piped through the mammary glands are among the abilities of desert dwelling kangaroos.
Means they can save up offspring for when the rains come.
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