Chemical-resistant bed bugs triple in number across the UK, approaching ‘epidemic levels’.[1] British are hoping that American scientists, who have recently developed a more effective solution to bud bugs, will solve their problem. Once again, the Brits turn to a country with a high percentage of creationists to solve their big problems.
First, a measles and scarlet fever outbreak[2][3], then a plague of harmful mutations among British atheists and now a bed bug plague!!!
Brits, have you read the book of Exodus and about the 10 plagues against Egypt? It's time to repent! Start with throwing Darwinism out of your schools.
Have the evolutionists been able to solve your bed bug plague or are they like the impotent magicians of Egypt?
The Mojave Desert is on the Earth's surface.
Most of the Earth's surface is covered by water.
Therefore, the Mojave Desert is covered by water.
This is also nationalistic pride as its most parasitic - claiming the glory for the accomplishments of others just by virtue of being born into the same broad group as the ones who did it.
America is one of the most populous countries on Earth; even with a low level of general education, they may match smaller nations when it comes due to the absolute number of scientists due to the sheer size of the potential recruitment pool.
Of course, all of this ignores that science is international, anyways - almost certainly, there were significant contributions from non-Americans within that peculiar team alone!
Plastic covers for mattresses.
Human thinking proves Evolution.
I bet your 'God' didn't think of that. So much for 'Omniscience ' then.
Diatomaceous earth, it solved my bedbug problems. And that's organic, not chemical, they can already resist flysprays and bombs.
I think you've been watching The 10 Commandments too much, I like Charlton Heston too. The Brits will only need to worry, if the Thames River turns to blood.
I don't think beating out a country in the science of killing things with reckless, unregulated usage of dangerous toxins without a care for long-term repercussions is something to brag too loudly about. Especially not when you're falling behind rapidly in most other scientific fields, living standards, general education, the adult literacy rate, and the simple ability to tell fact from bullshit. For example: Creation science is not recognized in the US by a scientist anyone from another country would ever consult on any topic and most of those "scientists" have very questionable credentials and are often caught red-handed in acts of intellectual dishonesty. There are more scientists named Steve than scientists who believe in the Genesis account. Attempting to impress the idea that a handful of idiots scorned by the scientific community represent that community on an international scale is just such an act of dishonesty.
It is painfully ironic you mention plagues, as currently there is an anti-vaccination hysteria in the US that threatens to revive diseases thought eradicated being pushed by the same kind of people who want Conservapedia to be the new gold standard of what's taught to kids.
Once again, the Brits turn to a country with a high percentage of creationists to solve their big problems.
Once again, most scientists are not creationists, and those that are have yet to publish anything with any sort of predictive value.
Furthermore--Britain used to be overwhelmingly populated with creationists, and they scientific progress was stifled for hundreds of years. Look up the Dark Ages sometime.
...a plague of harmful mutations among British atheists...
First, a measles and scarlet fever outbreak[2][3]...
What role, specifically, did creationism play in these examples?
Have the evolutionists been able to solve your bed bug plague or are they like the impotent magicians of Egypt?
Let's say that they haven't. What's the solution, according to creationism?
Once again, the Brits turn to a country with a high percentage of creationists to solve their big problems.
They turn to a country that ranks with Turkey in fundieism for the "ultimate solution".
"The Brits" turn to scientists, not to a country.
That high percentage of cretinists will make the next generation poor as to number of scientists. Your new secretary of education will make sure that fewer and fewer kids have access to proper education. A stupid population is a easily controllable population.
The measles and scarlet fever outbreak was probably due to anti-vaxxers, science deniers. Yes, we have them over here too, you do not have monopoly on dumb people.
British atheists have harmful mutations, only among them?
We call it biology, not Darwinism.
We call them scientists, not evolutionists, and yes, they have found the reason for the bed bug problem.
Now they are asking other scientists, Americans among them, if they have any new insights.
That's how science works, you test new things and ask people for new ideas. Whereas you cretinists say "Goddidit", and that's it. We'd still be in the Dark Ages if you had been in charge.
Chemical-resistant bed bugs triple in number across the UK
...because of EVOLUTION!
So were we! You can find all of this, and more, on Fundies Say the Darndest Things!
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