Anonymous Coward #conspiracy
Ufology and Science
The essence of science is to analyze the data and observations. Why do scientists not do it? Because they are afraid of ridicule, and for their careers. Why? Because it is a field of investigation that the secret services have made theirs, while conducting massive smear campaigns to discourage scientists to care. Again, the snake biting its tail!
Yet this is the cross-analysis of the data that allows a synthesized image of faculties and characteristics of UFOs and aliens. By listing all these features through a composite sketch we can establish what are genuine ships, and genuine aliens, and deduce that the physical laws, as accepted today, are incomplete, because these features must be scientifically explained!
In doing so, we seek ways, responses beyond (not outside) the classic patterns of science. In doing so, it necessarily puts into question the theories to have a broader picture of the reality.
This is exactly what the Fractal Time does.
What secret services want is ufologists confined to mere collectors of catalogs of observations, that many people suggest them to be precisely! What should you expect after these catalogs of detailed observations are full like an egg? Simply continue until exhaustion?
This is exactly what happens to ufology!
The ships and aliens to be studied are exempt from public view to avoid panic. The system is more important than the truth.
Many people believe that time and space are an illusion while this may be the exact opposite: the matter is an illusion, and we just observe expressions of different space-times that cross each other.
General Relativity and Quantum Mechanics begin defaulting each other. That is why it must be changed. We face deceits in mathematical expressions of the models.
It is not that some equations must be changed, it is a new epistemologically point of view that must be observed. The equations are only expressions of the representation of ideas that experiments and observations approve (or not) partially or completely. Since science can not explain paranormal phenomena among which is the bizarre behavior of UFOs , then science is incomplete.
The vision, often prevalent among ufologists, according to which the ETs who would come to us to change our scientific point of view, is truly delusional, especially anthropocentric. When they come it will not be to upset our scientific knowledge, since they are already doing it for thousands of years, especially since the nuclear age, through the inspiration.
When they come it will be to upset the whole civilization and destroy it for the Elect can settle on the earth in the New Jerusalem. There will be no technical progress or scientific debate on new equations to write. It’s too late, thanks to people like the majority of scientists who put the head in the sand and did not recognize their presence while there was still time.
What this blog is doing, is to give inputs that can satisfy intellectual curiosity of everyone. But it is mainly to raise awareness of the very short time available before the rescue of the Elect who have so little time to become one. When Jesus comes for the rapture it will be too late. So there is no question, when Jesus will come, to change the minds of some people.
Besides, it’s probably the opposite that will happen. Christ will be booed and will be taken as an alien invader by some people for not having read the Apocalypse and some passages of the Bible. Remember what happened to him 2,000 years ago, while he was Son of God!
The ETs have nothing to tell us or show us right now. They have done it since thousands of years. And even through the ‘Do You Wish That We Show Up‘ world referendum. But we took them for ‘angels’ and ‘God’. They have continued to do miracles, and stand in the sky continuously.
They have not stopped to alert and prevent. But we have not stopped taking their messengers as mere nuts. Since society has to be changed, they will not come and give evidence to the skeptics to destroy them next. The Secret Services, they know things. But you have to see or know who they work for —
Science is broad and undefined. There is just scientists who are making science since many do not agree from each other. In science, there are those who admit and those who do not confess, or greatly minimize mysteries and puzzles speaking up when it comes to claim certainties, ignoring the assumptions sometimes untenable, that these claims hide.
The history of science has shown that no theory is ever complete. Everyone contributes more or less critically. But what matters is to instill to a scientific community a new perspective.
A secret is no longer measured as the number of people who share it. To share it must be seen, read or heard. In the mass of information available on the Net, how will you know whether information is secret or not? You can have 1,000 people who know for 7 billion who do not know. So secret is relative. The Anglo-Saxons have a very eloquent expression: a cover up in plain sight!
That’s what this blog is!
Many want evidence. More evidence. But, for example, UFO pictures are blurred DUE TO the technology used in the ETs vessels. They are surrounded by a temporal field that makes them look like a fast moving object. There is also clearer photos. But do not expect that the ETs offer a vessel to study it. They will not shoot themselves in the foot either. They do not seek to satisfy our curiosity, but to fulfill God’s plan.
Therefore, in terms of ufology, it is recommended to know the techniques of the anti-UFO propaganda which will deny the precautions and advices that this blog brings about the End Times, in particular the Rescue of the Great Multitude in white robes.
Here is an excellent summary of the means used to bring us into the ranks — to destroy us when the time comes:
Gargle with abstract theoretical arguments to avoid considering the facts.
Make believe that the scientific world is opposed to beliefs.
Use the prestige of an authority to distort the truth.
Despise the evidence that is presented in underestimating it.
Reduce the unknown from the known to the price of denial of a significant part of a fact.
Indicate that common sense is the best advisor. What is historically false.
Use and abuse the principle of parsimony or Occam’s razor, of ignoring scientific proven contradictions.
Say that the evidence, even very numerous, are irrelevant while scientific experiments are either testimonials.
Say that the truth is in existent phenomena while it is scientifically impossible to prove the non-existence of a thing.
Make systematic amalgams between doubtful cases and others that are not.
Ask questions based on unfounded truths and from simplistic beliefs.
Attack the entourage of a proponent of the paranormal if he is unassailable.
Attack a person instead of responding to the relevance of its arguments.