Either you are (check one):
[ ] The classic fundie; who despite all the evidence that exists in libraries, archives, museums, zoos, and even nature documentaries, thinks that 'debating' consists of sticking his fingers in his ears and shouting 'LA-LA-LA! I CAN'T HEAR YOU!'. Certainly wearing his 'Fundie Blinkers Of Truth' to prevent him from seeing the shitloads of physical evidence that exists which would completely destroy any & all your claims to the contrary. Which is there. All you have to do is look for yourself.
Must be cold in that river in Egypt, Solly. Hey, it's not the fault of we Atheists if, despite the evidence being out there to discover for yourself, and you having no evidence to prove otherwise, your case has less than zero credibility.
[ ] You're a troll. Thus anything you say, and therefore the credibility of anything you say is equally zero.
Choose wisely.
...oh, and if it's evidence you want, then cop for this: We humans share at least 98% of our DNA with chimpanzees. One more bit of evidence to become the cherry on the top of the Burj Khalifa-sized evidence cake.
Find for me an aircraft hangar, Solly. The biggest one there is. It still wouldn't be big enough to hold all the evidence for Evolution that exists; which, by the way, Kitzmiller vs. Dover - decided on by a Conservative Christian no less - supports completely.
What is there to support Creationism? A book. And... that's it. And even the evidence for that in said Bible was completely annihilated in Kitzmiller vs. Dover too.
Michael Behe. 'Intelligent Design'. 'cdesign proponentsist'
'There are currently two editions of the book, the 1989 first edition edited by Charles Thaxton, and the 1993 second edition, which included a "Note to Teachers" by Mark D. Hartwig and Stephen C. Meyer. A third edition was retitled The Design of Life. Jon Buell, the president of the Foundation for Thought and Ethics, said that the ruling in Kitzmiller v. Dover Area School District that intelligent design was religious would make the textbook "radioactive" in public schools and would be "catastrophic" for the marketability of both the (then) present (second) edition and the (then) forthcoming third edition'
'The Louisiana "Balanced Treatment Act" case Edwards v. Aguillard was decided by the Supreme Court in 1987. The court determined that teaching creationism in public schools violated the Establishment Clause of the United States constitution, but that alternative scientific theories could be taught. While the decision ruled out any return to teaching traditional Young Earth creationism in science classes, it did offer an opening for those willing to recast creationist doctrine in the language of science.'
Edwards vs. Aguillard. In 1987. Years before even Kitzmiller vs. Dover.
If even the law - and the Constitution no less - states that Evolution is fact, and Biblical Creationism is lies, then I'd say that puts the final nail in the coffin of the Science vs. Religion, nay, Atheism vs. Fundie debate. If you & your ilk don't even have a single legal leg to stand on, re. the credibility of your 'beliefs' (certainly what the basis of said 'beliefs' - the Bible itself - claims), then your 'Creationism' argument is deader than the Dodo - and at least that animal existed; the evidence proves that it did.
...unless you yourself are prepared to come up with a method of duplicating Biblical Creation. How? Here's a suggestion:
Get a whole load of Bibles, place them in a ring shape 27km in circumference, get in the middle and start praying really hard. The fundie equivalent of the Large Hadron Collider!
The evidence exists. Look for it. It won't kill you. Only your 'beliefs'. Otherwise, this is your current location:
Like I say, must be cold in that river in Egypt, Solly.