Some commenters #racist
Re: There Are 500,000 U.S. Citizens Living in Mexico
(Rich at Large)
"The vast majority of this group has Mexican-born parents."
So what, then? Get back to us when 20 million white (or black or Asian, for that matter) Americans have legally and illegally crossed the border to settle in Baja California, making Mexicans into a minority there, and taking advantage of free health care and other services.
FTA: "Our research, published on June 10, uses Mexican census and intercensal data to reveal new insights into the characteristics of this group of young American citizens in Mexico."
So Mexico asks questions about citizenship on its census?? How racist of them!
"Children who do not have Mexican documents cannot easily enroll in Mexican public schools. Furthermore, children who do not speak Spanish well will face problems learning in Mexican schools."
American legislators and educators would do well to emulate their Mexican peers.
Most Latin American countries love gringo's to move in. Happy to exchange a buzillion meztizos for a handful of monied, skilled, gringos.
But this seems to suggest a different sort of "gringo", like hispanic "American" bastards and such...
(Jason Lewis)
Brings up the average IQ. Especially when we mate with the locals.
500,000 US citizens live in Mexico. This is suppose to make us think that we do it too. I'm willing to bet that 450,000 of them are Mexican descendants.
“Sorry, but I won't take your bet. I'd be hard put to believe White people would be dumb enough to move to an s-hole nation like Mexico.”
Some white businessmen and managers go down there and live to guide their cheap laborers.
So it's ok for Mexico to do a census and ask where you're born, but our president can't do the same? Why do American anchor babies go to Mexico and not get dual citizenship? After the Mexicans throw them out we should do the same on their return here.