David J. Stewart #fundie jesus-is-savior.com
"...Now when Simon Peter heard that it was the Lord, he girt his fisher's coat unto him, (for he was naked,) and did cast himself into the sea." -John 21:7
I was reading the Bible the other day and a thought occurred to me as I read this Scripture. Peter didn't have a problem being naked around the other disciples; but he immediately went to put his clothes on when he saw Jesus. So much can be said about this situation. This is what happens when Christians wander away from the Lord--the clothes start coming off! This is why country singer, Faith Hill, who testifies of having grown up in a good Christian home, has already posed twice in Playboy magazine! Despite her claim of being spiritual, Faith Hill needs to see Jesus. Do you think Jesus would look at a Playboy magazine? Do you think Jesus, who condemned lust in Matthew 5:28, would approve of Faith Hill posing sensually in a dirty pornographic magazine? Of course NOT! It's just a fact, nudity and heathendom go together. When a lost sinner believes upon the Lord Jesus Christ to forgive his sins, a change takes place in that man's heart. As a believer grows in the Lord, and draws nearer to God, the clothes go back on! Peter didn't even have to think twice ... when he heard that the Lord was present, he put his clothes back on! What a needful lesson for Christians today.
I recall a related Scripture back in Genesis 3:7 ... "And the eyes of them both were opened, and they knew that they were naked; and they sewed fig leaves together, and made themselves aprons." Adam and Eve were convicted about their nakedness. Biblically, nudity is a SIN.
[I don't think I want to be around when he finds out about Christian naturists...]