That sounds more consistent to me. If a voice tells me to kill my son, I should do it, whatever the consequences for me or my son, I can trust god. So hearing the voice of god is like a command, overruling whatever I believe is wrong or right.
And if there is a voice in my head, then it might well be the voice of god
If you're hearing voices, it's much more likely that you're suffering from some sort of mental disorder and need to seek help. And I, for one, hope that someone takes your son and puts him someplace safe place so you don't end up murdering him.
Okham's razor award?
Here's a test... if you take a course of antipsychotics, and the voice is STILL there, it may well be God. Your son will probably thank you for exploring all possible options before following the voice's commands...
If a voice tells you not to believe in god, are you going to think it is god and listen to it??? Just curious.
Also, if you really do hear voices, I suggest you seek some mental help, immediately.
And if there is a voice in my head, then it might well be the voice of god
That's what David Berkowitz, the Son of Sam killer said. Well actually, it was his neighbor's Labrador retriever, but he figured the dog was God's instrument.
And so, Pandora continued to say so. At her trial when she was charged with 1st degree murder, in prison, to the very end of her life. *sigh*
You can plead insanity in court, not religion.
You go up there and tell the court "God told me to!", they'll probably just go ahead and lock your ass up.
If you're hearing voices it could also be demons or, most likely of all, SCHIZOPHRENIA, the disorder where you can't distinguish your thoughts as coming from you.
You're giving into insanity and you will go to jai. You will not pass Go. You will not collect $200.
When reading this, it eerily reminded me of the lyrics to an old and disturbing song:
"...They're coming to take me away, hoho hehe haha, to the funny farm, where life is beautiful all the time and I'll be happy to see those young men in their clean whites coats and they're coming to take me away haha..."
You said a voice, that doesn't neccesarily mean the voice of God. So you're saying that if you hear any voice in your head telling you to kill your children you would?
If you hear winnie the pooh talk to you in your head to kill your children you still would?
WTF get this person away from her kids.
And if there is a voice in my head, then it might well be the voice of god
Might might just be...
So were we! You can find all of this, and more, on Fundies Say the Darndest Things!
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