usachinanukewar #fundie

In the end of 2007, Jesus informed me a life-threatening danger and He told me to pray for His divine protection. I did. Jesus launched a divine strike against my archenemy with pancreatic cancer and leukemia, slaughtering him to gruesome death. This guy became ill in July in 2008. And after 4-month struggling, he died by pancreatic cancer and leukemia. This guy intended to set me up in 2007. This guy wanted to kill me in 2007. And, Jesus told me to pray to Him for the divine protection. I did in the November of 2007. And, this guy became ill in July in 2008. And, this guy died in October in 2008. Pancreatic cancer and leukemia. Hallelujah. Praise Jesus for He killed my archenemy who intended to kill me. This guy died of pancreatic cancer and leukemia.

yphoon Morakot (I’m Peter the Joshua)
In 2009, Lord Jesus Christ slashed my enemies with Typhoon Morakot after my prayers. Here’s my testimony, the largest-scale miracle I’ve ever witnessed when Jesus answered my prayers.
Typhoon Morakot dumped a record 3,000 millimetres (120 inches) of rainfall and caused massive mudslides in the south of the island, — that a new beginning is always possible. Let the greening of the Earth in springtime be a sign for you that a new beginning is always possible, even after the longest, coldest, darkest winter.And, in this year, 2009, in Aug. Lord Jesus even did a great miracle for me. I did pray to Jesus to strike my enemies and fill all the reservoirs in Taiwan with one-year amount of rain. And then, after my prayer, Typhoon Morakot came to Taiwan and stroke the southern part of Taiwan and filled all the reservoirs in Taiwan with water.And, I also prayed to Jesus for holding Typhoon Morakot still in the air, and then Jesus did hold still Typhoon Morakot for 2 days. Typhoon Morakot stopped moving and was being held still in the air pouring down unprecedented amount of rain slashing and submerging my enemies’ properties. hallelujah to Jesus for this ultimate miracle He did for me after my prayer that day.I am a chosen prophet by Jesus. You mess with me, then you mess with Jesus. Do Not push me too hard. My life now is simple and easy. Any of you should seek Jesus, not seek me. I do not talk with any stranger online. I’ll definitely block you if you dare to contact me or comment on my posts. Do not violate my rule I’ve set. Just quietly browse my posts here and do your own homework. Do not ask me. I do not spend time discussing with any stranger online. I do not know any of you. I hate talking with any stranger online. I hate that. Do not irritate or annoy me. Or, I will absolutely block you, and that’s your huge loss.



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