Same sex couples, whether married or not, will NEVER know what it's like to have the most meaningful relationship: kids.
they cannot even have kids together--people were not made for that reason; those who miscarry and can never have kids should look down upon gay couples who are distressed, thinking they have the same sorrow as heterosexual couples do in their natural hardship of life
You're not speaking for me. Hubby knows I can't have kids, and I won't and will not look down on any couple, regardless of the gender make up of the couple, who can't have kids. FOAD.
Just when I thought it couldn't get dumber than MySpace, along came Yahoo Answers.
And when that seemed to be the lowest it could get, iThink comes along.
Now I'm afraid to say "it can't get any worse than iThink" because the next level of stupid might just rip the space-time continuum to shreds.
Hey, Jeff, guess what! I'm gay. I have a daughter. So take your bitterness, jealousy and spite and go choke on it.
We'll just ignore the fact that homosexual couples can adopt children, and that there a lot of heterosexual couples that do not or can not have children.
Hey, why bother with facts when you can make stuff up and act like an authority on it?
If a couple are getting married just to have kids, that's sad.
There are people out there that don't want kids for various reasons.
Hmmm...I'm straight, and I will never know "what it's like to have the most meaningful relationship: kids." Mainly because I can't stand the little buggers. Did it ever occur to you that marriage has nothing to do with children? And in any case, many gay/lesbian people have biological and/or adopted children?
WTF? Childless people should hate gay people? What is it with these people and kids? Not everyone freaking wants kids.
And people like this never seem to be able to grasp the fact that gay people can and do have children if they want them.
My aunt and uncle cannot have children together.
Also, gays can adopt one of the millions of orphan children out there.
Same sex couples, whether married or not, will NEVER know what it's like to have the most meaningful relationship: kids.
...Because the moment any gay man utters the word "adopt," people like you crank out the pitchforks and torches.
Listen, fuckface. Unless you've had one of your own kids die before they were born, you don't know what the blue fuck you are talking about. Keep your judgmental homophobic shit to yourself while you go die in a fire.
"thinking they have the same sorrow as heterosexual couples do in their <b>natural hardship of life</b>"
Let me staple the back of my hand to my forehead and talk about how hard heterosexuals have it. More idiotic persecution complexes comin' at ya America!
It's called adoption, dipshit. Since you Christians seem so hellbent on preventing abortions and encouraging people to give the kid up for adoption instead, how about letting those gay couples adopt them? Or would you rather have thousands of kids living in foster care than being raised by loving parents who happen to be gay? Is adoption a sin too?
I'm a heterosexual woman and I really, really don't like kids at all, and intend never to have them. Where do I fit in here?
People are more than their reproductive capabilities or lack thereof.
*headdesk x5 million*
Kids are not the end-all-be-all of any marriage, gay or straight.
I hate people like Jeff. The implication that children keep a marriage together makes me ill.
Sperm bank.
Surrogate mother.
So were we! You can find all of this, and more, on Fundies Say the Darndest Things!
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