President-elect Obama has chosen the Secret Service code name 'Renegade'. And what precisely does renegade mean? It comes from the Spanish word renegado, meaning one who has renounced Christianity and converted to Islam.
True, the word used to be used in reference to a fallen Christian or a lordless knight, similar to the Japanese word 'ronin.'
And by 'used to' I mean '800 years ago.'
I shouldn't be surprised, as conservapedia lives by going batshit crazy over things that wouldn't make 99% of anyone bat an eye.
The name chosen for Mrs Obama is "Renaissance". btw, Secret Service chose the names.
That's another harbinger of doom for the Christers.
[And what precisely does renegade mean? who has renounced Christianity and converted to Islam.]
That's a bit of a stretch, don't you think? had the following:
1) a deserter from one faith, cause, or allegiance to another
There's no specific mention of Christianity or Islam.
Of course, all this is irrelevant. There is no religious test for government office. Separation of church and state, remember?
When was the last time the Muslims had a major hold on Spain? Five hundred years ago? Even if that was the word's origin, (which I doubt,) its usage in English means something very different... Try using a dictionary in your own language.
Let's break this bullshit down.
President-elect Obama has chosen the Secret Service code name 'Renegade'
Charges of the Secret Service do not get to pick their codename, the Secret Service picks the codenames and changes them every so often. You a making a flat out lie
And what precisely does renegade mean?
In the current vernacular? Or the antiquated use of the word. Do you even know?
It comes from the Spanish word renegado
My knowledge of spanish is limited, so i'll give you that one.
meaning one who has renounced Christianity and converted to Islam.
The Reconquista is over, deal with it. Words change meanings over time and translation and using an archaic meaning is a clear attempt to mislead and decive.
Regardless of the original usage of the word it is not the meaning of it in the vulgar argot of today and you know it, I'm quite sure there are plenty of words you use today that no god fearing christian would have used 800 years ago.
Wow, so my three years of Spanish classes in high school were a complete waste of time, then? Damn, I should have just went to fundy schools instead, they would have taught me the real meaning of words.
@Poppy Pomfrey
Of course. He would be obviously mocking the lord, or putting himself of level with Jesus. If it's something not Christian, it proof he's not an adherent to Christianity. If it is, he's either lying to fool the people (But the True Christians are far too smart for that...) or mocking their faith.
And "Conservapedia" is a concatenation of two Latin words, "constipatio", meaning crowded together, or dense, from which we get "constipated" and "pedalis", of or belonging to the foot.
Loosely translated, "Conservapedia" means, "To constipate one's self by shoving one's head up one's ass, first having put one's foot in the mouth.
Sasha Obama's codename is Rosebud, so I guess that means she's an old sled, apparently. FAIL!
The Secret Service chooses the codenames.
Except that we don't speak Renaissance Spanish much these days.
Besides, surely this code is classified. If so, how did you learn it? There's a security question here - or more likely you are a liar.
Why do they tell people this? Now everyone is going to know his code name. Aren't code names supposed to be used to keep things secret.
Apparently, they're a relic from the days of unencrypted communications, and no longer serve any useful purpose.
De cuando que Renegado significa eso???? Mintiendo para Jesus XD
Honey, If you don't know what renegade means don't pull it put of your ass XD
Main Entry:
Spanish renegado, from Medieval Latin renegatus, from past participle of renegare to deny, from Latin re- + negare to deny more at negate
Date: 1583
Note the date there: 1583. So yeah, the origin of the word, over 400 years ago, has conotations of denying and negating. Howver, over the last 4 centuries the meaning has broadened to include more than just religious overtones. The Doctor (from Doctor Who) is called a "renegade Time Lord". Would you try to assert that the Doctor is trying to deny and negate your religion?
These codenames are not meant to be secret.
Use of codenames facilitates radio communication so that the members of the Secret Service protection detail can keep each other updated as to the status of their charges.
IOW "Renegade and Renaissance have left the White House" is much easier to understand than "The President and the First Lady have left the White House" over a personal radio link.
Anyway, what codenames do the fucktards consider appropriate?
- Antichrist
- Demonguy
- Abortionist
- Gayguy
- Minstrel (as in n***er minstrel)
- Lawnjockey
Why have codenames if anyone can Google them in a fraction of a second?
In fact, the real codenames for Barack and Michelle are 'Antichrist' and 'Whore of Babylon', their daughters' 'Strife' and 'War'.
Wait, renegade means the one who renegades not only from his creed but from his ideas AND is expelled from his clan. And by the way, wasn't he muslim because his step-father was Indonesian?. Please, make up your mind.
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