"I'm actually not going to say "It happened for a reason" I'm going to try to give you a reason why it happened."
Oh, good. I love ad hoc explanations for things.
"Laugh if you want, but maybe God wanted you to talk to me."
How nice. So, this omnipotent deity of yours wanted someone to talk to you and, instead of politely saying so, gives both the guy and his brother cancer which causes the brother to commit suicide (which your god would have known he'd do, being omniscient and all) which causes undue pain and suffering to both of them and lands the brother in hell for eternity due to suicide being a sin. Way to go god!
This is the problem with ad hoc'ing shit together; you haven't thought it completely through.
"We wouldn't be having this conversation if not for that."
I'm sure the other poster is happy to hear this. It's probably made everything a-ok.
"I believe that God can and does work through other people. I've been used by God for this purpose before. I realize that might not sound right, but I at least hope you understand what I'm trying to say."
Get off your fucking high horse before someone knocks you off. If your god did such a thing he deserves contempt.