Chris Silver #fundie
So WHY is evolution taught in school and not christianity? What's really a shame is a person actually came up with a religion, something about a spaghetti monster, if anyone has ever heard it, but it was a joke, not real. The purpose of the spaghetti monster religion was to make people understand that more than one viewpoint needs to be heard, not just one. But what's really sad is that people ACTUALLY follow this religion now even though the creator/founder doesn't! Crazy, right? But wait, who else did that? ... Darwin did, came up with some stupid theory that people actually follow now even though he admitted the idea was stupid and could not possibly be true. And it's not the fact that we are learning evolution in class that makes me mad, it makes me mad that they are teaching us evolution and NOT christianity, or any other religion for that matter (for those who believe something different). I want to know who chose this for all of us, biology and and similar classes should be an elective, not a requirement, and religious classes should be a choice as an elective as well. Because I'm sick of learning things IN SCHOOL that I don't believe in. Of course I do my own research on subjects like evolution and other religions to help my growth as a christian, but it shouldn't count as a grade.
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