European socialism can not work because White socialists all love racial diversity.
The same left wing White socialists in England who were out in the streets celebrating the death of Margaret Thatcher, are the same left wing White socialists who would never in a million years hit the streets of England to protest against the increasing number of Muslim and Black immigrants into their country.
Europeans ONLY hit the streets to protest and celebrate left wing causes like spitting on Margaret Thatcher's grave. Europeans NEVER hit the streets to protest and celebrate right wing causes like demanding that all Muslim South Asians and North Africans be deported from Europe.
That is why I do not feel sorry for the eventual collapse of Europe. I blame Europeans for voting these far left wing politicians into power.
I blame Europeans for not embracing right wing politicians.
I blame Europeans for not embracing the right to own guns in their home. Most European men are a bunch of sissy beta males who are afraid of guns.
America has more gun loving White alpha males than all European countries combined.
He's got us there, we are compleatly to blame for not embracing insane right-wing racist nationalisim and flooding our communities with firearms.
I knew we'd never get away with it forever, the truth always comes out.
We'll see.
Though as for voting for people with more sense than, say, a third grade Hitler imitation: guilty as charged.
And lady Mag had her socialism spurs on part-time.
Oddly enough, there is a serious alpha male attitude among many young British men. They don't love guns, it's true, but there are pubs in every British town full of guys who'd punch Jeff's lights out for this rant. I'm not saying that's a good thing, it's just a true thing.
I remember hearing about an instance when Europe, or at least Germany, did embrace a right-wing politician who didn't like South Asians and North Africans very much. Seems like they learned their lesson from all the dead bodies.
"Europeans ONLY hit the streets to protest and celebrate left wing causes like spitting on Margaret Thatcher's grave. Europeans NEVER hit the streets to protest and celebrate right wing causes like demanding that all Muslim South Asians and North Africans be deported from Europe."
How many right wing groups can we think of here? There are plenty. The English Defence League, for one. Having said that, do they still exist?
I'm pretty sure that not all white socialists love racial diversity.
However, even the ones who don't love racial diversity usually have the brains to work out that a poor person probably has more in common with his poor neighbour who looks "different" than with his landlord who looks "the same".
"I blame Europeans for not embracing right wing politicians."
Yeah, it's been about 70 years since we last did that... see if you can work out why.
And all those are the reason why our people are happier, safer, not so poor, more open and more peaceful than you. So fuck you gun-swinging hillbillie chickenshit, we're "winning", or better you're losing.
Europeans NEVER hit the streets to protest and celebrate right wing causes
How about the 300,000 who protested in Paris less than a month ago against gay marriage?
I blame Europeans for not embracing right wing politicians.
That's why Margaret Thatcher won three consecutive general elections. That's why the leading party in the British government today is called the Conservative Party. That's why there are right of center parties in control of more EU countries than those of the left.
I blame Europeans for not embracing the right to own guns in their home.
Most European countries allow hunting rifles etc. to be owned and stored at home. And if the Europeans are such sissies, why is the NRA so fond of citing the example of Switzerland?
Jefferson has clearly never been to Europe.
Since that is the case, kindly stop making comments about a place you have never been too.
@Hasan Prishtina
That's why Margaret Thatcher won three consecutive general elections. That's why the leading party in the British government today is called the Conservative Party. That's why there are right of center parties in control of more EU countries than those of the left.
I have a feeling this is the kind of person who believes anyone left of Mussolini is a "far-left extremist".
Also, I rather like living in the UK where not even police officers see a need to routinely carry firearms. To me that's the true definition of the "polite society" which gun nuts often cite.
"America has more gun loving White apha males than all European countries combined."
And with the tendancy of said gun loving alpha males to wave their guns (their dicks being insufficiently threatening to their rivals... or potential mates) with little or no provocation I fail to see how that's a good thing.
"...Europeans ONLY hit the streets to protest and celebrate left wing causes like spitting on Margaret Thatcher's grave. Europeans NEVER hit the streets to protest and celebrate right wing causes like demanding that all Muslim South Asians and North Africans be deported from Europe...."
Thank you for acknowledging that the left-wing is, in fact, not right-wing.
I didn't know that spitting on Margaret Thatcher's grave was a left wing cause, but it's an interesting idea. I should try it sometime...
Some sentences are very incoherent or self-contradictory. But from what I can understand, you have something against everyone who's not a white European and seem to perhaps want to expel them somewhere... or worse? Not that White European is an extremely well defined concept either, which is why we see people trying to invent it and justify it with long pseudoscientific texts...
So were we! You can find all of this, and more, on Fundies Say the Darndest Things!
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