Jefferson #racist

European socialism can not work because White socialists all love racial diversity.

The same left wing White socialists in England who were out in the streets celebrating the death of Margaret Thatcher, are the same left wing White socialists who would never in a million years hit the streets of England to protest against the increasing number of Muslim and Black immigrants into their country.

Europeans ONLY hit the streets to protest and celebrate left wing causes like spitting on Margaret Thatcher's grave. Europeans NEVER hit the streets to protest and celebrate right wing causes like demanding that all Muslim South Asians and North Africans be deported from Europe.

That is why I do not feel sorry for the eventual collapse of Europe. I blame Europeans for voting these far left wing politicians into power.

I blame Europeans for not embracing right wing politicians.

I blame Europeans for not embracing the right to own guns in their home. Most European men are a bunch of sissy beta males who are afraid of guns.

America has more gun loving White alpha males than all European countries combined.



So were we! You can find all of this, and more, on Fundies Say the Darndest Things!

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