[Fundy fight! CuttingEdge claims the Washington Monument is a phallic symbol, but MS believes it's actually a symbol that indicates that America is secretly a theocracy....]
This is absolute hogwash, CuttingEdge. How dare you affront out Christian heritage and suggest that America has Satanic foundations. The Washington Monument is not a pagan obelisk, but a symbol of Christ's reign over humanity. It points upward, towards Heaven, as a reminder that while the President may be the final authority on earth, God is the final authority over all creation and the authority to which even the government is answerable.
Goddamnit, why do fundies come up with such idiocy. To me its just an obelisk, to them its a giant penis...
Thats like saying that the Sears Tower is a giant penis...
An obelisk is a poor man's pyramid...or a tall skinny pyramid, depending on your perspective. It is a suitable monument to George Washington, a Freemason in good standing.
So what's this fucking noise about this "symbol of Christ's reign over humanity" already? Do you see any cross-arms on it, Fool?
How dare you affront out Christian heritage and suggest that America has Satanic foundations.
Well, to be fair, Messy Antic Savant, there is very nearly as much proof that America was founded as a Satanic nation as there is to support the claim that it was founded as a Christian nation.
The people of the USA are the final authority in the USA. Even when it comes to the immediate use of governmental power, there are 3 co-equal branches of government in the USA (no matter what any sitting administration thinks, no matter the unitary executive theory - the Constitution is absolutely clear on this).
OPTMS is an idiot. The original obelisks were erected in Egypt as symbols of the Sun God Ra. And yes, they are phallic. One form of Amun-Ra was the god Min, who is always depicted with a full blown penile erection - shock, horror!
"It points upward, towards Heaven,"
Just like an erect penis.
Fundy fight!
Hey, I still vote for locking them in an arena, with a bunch of knives, then start asking the big questions. I'm sure 100 at most would survive. We could sell tickets!
It points upward, towards Heaven, as a reminder that while the President may be the final authority on earth
It's a phallic symbol. It's based on an unadorned Egyptian Obelisk. Egyptians were notoriously into phallic symbols.
MessianicServant's opinion is less fucking terrifying (though still unfounded) and far more mainstream than CuttingEdge. What CuttingEdge is saying IS absolute hogwash. Total conspiracy theory. The Illuminati/Freemasons erected the Washington Monument as a Satanic phallus? Right.
MessianicServant is wrong, but his explanation is a thousand times more believable than CuttingEdge's.
It's the other way around for me, MaxW: CuttingEdge at least gets a few facts right, even if his final interpretation is totally fucktarded, and MessianicServant's position being more mainstream makes it way more fucking terrifying than the ranting of an obvious loon who will be ignored by everyone but a few equally unbalanced crackpots.
Sure it doesn't represent a "middle finger" pointing upward? Actually it is simply what it is called, a monument honoring George Washington, giving it religious or pagan roots is to ignore its real purpose. "Sometimes a cigar is just a cigar."
Thinking Allowed:"Um...no. Obelisks were generally placed at the temple gates in ancient Egypt. They have been around a lot longer than your christian god Jesus."
Well, wasn't there something about how the story of Jesus takes a lot from the story of Horus?
Makes sense they'd also steal a few symbols here and there.
The President is not the final authority on Earth.
See, "President" and "Fuehrer" are not the same fucking word.
American government is a tad more complicated than that. Go back to the third grade, do not pass go, do not collect $200.
But hang on a minute: the Queen is the leader of half of the devoloped world, and the entire Anglosphere .
She's got a much wider domain (if with less actual power) than the President. This includes military command, by the way.
So it's your President versus my Queen!
...Seriously though, there are other leaders on this fucking planet besides Dubya (well, Black Jesus now) and I'm only basing my pretend 'claim' with regards to who's the ultimate authority on Earth on an argument that's as equally retarded as yours.
Oh, and at least the Queen isn't a complete hypocrite like your President, using religion as a shield to hide behind.
Now, fuck off.
CuttingEdge might be right the obelisk of Luxor at the Place de la Concorde was immediately deemed as one, and the Washington monument no less. Vertical buildings are often considered homologous to the masculine, and horizontal to the feminine.
Cleopatra's Needle ; one of the three in London (the other two in Paris & New York City):
image image
The Washington Memorial is clearly based in design on [i]ancient[/i] Egyptian obelisks which were symbols of the Sun God Ra .
Y'know: ancient Egypt. Which existed way before Christianity did. And historians/Egyptologists will tell you that Akhenaten effectively pioneered Mono theism (again, way before Judaism existed) - via worship of the Aten (also symbolised by obelisks) - so where does that leave you , argumentally, certainly educationally ...?!
So, MessyanusServant: either the 'Siren of the Nile'* [/"Carry On Cleo "] was an early example of Futanari , or a cigar is just a stelae . [/Freud]
*- 'Well, they do tend to go off in these hot climates!' (Julius Caesar [Kenneth Williams]) X3
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