Eh, passerby's nonsense again...
"At which point the majority immediately either turn the gun on themselves or in the case of Anders "I am being unfairly tortured by this PS2" Breivik surrender fully expecting good treatment under the delusion they'll be vindicated in the public's eye and released back to freedom, if not made a hero."
-Breivik is tortured in a lot more ways than just the PS2 thing. He is isolated most of the time, kept in poor conditions. There's even a court ruling on this
- yes, shitty early arcade PS2 games like Sonic are also a form of torture for a grown man with that much time on his hands. These games aren't meant for adults anyway and if they're all you have they are a form of torture as an adult can't play them for long because they're so dull and oriented to small children.
-Breivik's expectation of vindication isn't that harebrained. He sees that the current system can't stand and he's not wrong about that. Where he is wrong is about those who will succeed liberals. It won't be people who think like Breivik but Muslims. So he is ultimately wrong.
"If they wanted a fight, they'd have started with people who can fight instead of counting down the minutes before the cops arrive after firing the first bullet into somebody who never even knew they were there. "
You have no idea what Breivik wanted. Had he just fought with the people who could strike back (cops/army) he'd be almost immediately outgunned/killed and by now practically forgotten. That is not bravery but insanity. It would make no point.
Your idea of bravery (because you're an imbecile) - "do something completely crazy and impossible that will make you forgotten soon because I don't want your arguments to be public". But that's not actual bravery.
"They are absolutely cowards. You might as well argue the bravery of a high-schooler that beats up kindergarteners because the faculty or parents will eventually run out after him"
As explained above. One Vox Day's commentator made a good point too - that it would be easier to see why Breivik's act was good if we imagined those killed to be in a military camp.
In any case, passerby is once again rambling nonsense. It takes tremendous courage to do what Breivik did, as he was well aware that he will spend decades of jail and that his idea of Norway won't be victorious the day after. It takes tremendous courage to know you will be spending 23 hours of your life in a cell and still go ahead and do what he did. Courage isn't fighting cops/military who are in any case just following orders and aren't those who create the poisonous ideologies. These kids were actually way more dangerous than cops/military and their deaths sent a much clearer political message. Cops and military are just dumb animals who listen whoever is in charge but it is leftists who create the monstrous ideologies like feminism and liberalism.
Where Breivik is wrong is that he doesn't realize he should accept Islam.