David J. Stewart #conspiracy jesus-is-savior.com
In principle I actually agree with Jane Fonda's criticism of the war. Declassified government NSA documents in 2005-2006 have evidenced that Vietnam was an illegal war, based upon a big lie. The Golf of Tonkin incident was a false flag terror attack. It never happened! Tragically, 58,000 American soldiers were murdered by criminals in high power decision-making positions of the U.S. government, in a war waged over control of the drug traffic in the Asian area known as The Golden Triangle. The drug-trafficking empire goes back centuries involving China, Turkey and numerous other nations, including the United States since the booze Prohibition Era ended in 1933.
Former Arkansas governor Bill Clinton is a monster, who while in office helped orchestrate $100,000,000 per month of illegal drugs being smuggled through Mena, Arkansas. That is why Bill Clinton was appointed U.S. President, and the Bush family as well. They are all steeped in the drug trade. That is why George Bush Jr. was made governor of Texas, and his older brother John Ellie Bush (aka, “JEB”) was made governor of Florida, two border states that allowed drugs to be trafficked into the United States. Pastor Jerry Falwell even made a video exposing the blatant evil. Truth is stranger than fiction! The average American pastor couldn't care less, and so the dumbed-down churches continue to foolishly support criminals and evil. God pity the stupidity of most pastors today!