When I went back to the town where I graduated high school, I realized that almost every one of my co-students who were failures in high school started having babies as teenages, had many children, and their children did the same thing - failed in school, had kids as teenages, and kept having babies.
Now each one of them has 20-30 descendents, many of whom quit school (and went on welfare, got Section 8 and HEAP, etc.) or are in jail or are "disabled" and living off the public via fake social security claims.
Most of the people who were smart in high school ended up as single professionals, married late, had a kid or two later in life, or didn't have kids and now their excellent gene pool is dwindling.
It's like that crazy movie where the dumbest people outbreed the smart ones. Except I think it really did happen, or is happening now!
So were we! You can find all of this, and more, on Fundies Say the Darndest Things!
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