Terral #fundie christianforums.com
A True Homosexual Has Never Been Born (my CF.com thread) and I challenge everyone here to prove otherwise. Everyone here has exactly one heterosexual male father and exactly one heterosexual female mother making them either a heterosexual male or a heterosexual female copy of their parents. A man or a woman can change their sexual ‘orientation’ (straight or gay) on a whim, but they cannot change the sexuality (male or female) with which THEY WERE BORN. Scripture says, “they know the ordinance OF GOD, that those who practice such things ARE WORTHY OF DEATH” (Romans 1:32), but they carry on “committing indecent acts” (Rom. 1:27) of a “depraved mind” (Rom 1:28) anyway to receive “in their persons the due penalty of their error.” Romans 1:27.
California (State of Lawlessness) deserves floods, earthquakes, wildfires and massive budget deficits and to slide into the sea for allowing wicked judges to legislate this nonsense from the bench and for harboring millions of illegal alien foreign nationals allowed to run around loose EVERYWHERE. If the box says “Made in California,” then “No Thank You,” I am not buying it . . .
In Christ Jesus,