David J. Stewart #fundie jesus-is-savior.com
Today marks the 75th year since PROHIBITION ended. Don't believe the lying propaganda that prohibition was a bad idea... ALCOHOL PROHIBITION was good! Prohibition was the right thing to do! Prohibition failed because of the sinfulness of the American people and because many authorities refused to enforce the law. Then, just as today, people break the law because they know the penalties are minor. God says give the death penalty to every drunk driver who kills someone (Exodus 21:24).
Did Evangelist Billy Sunday waste the best years of his life fighting the booze industry? No, God instructs all Christians to "RISE UP FOR ME AGAINST THE EVILDOERS" (Psalm 94:16). Billy Sunday did what every Christian today should be doing... speaking out against the evils of booze! (Ephesians 5:11). Was the Anti-Saloon League wrong in their efforts to outlaw booze? No, they were fighting against a menace to society, which alcohol still is today.
It is not surprising that many Americans today are singing praises over the failure of PROHIBITION, when you consider that 71% of Americans in 2006 confessed to drinking alcohol...