Rod Pickens, Youtube #fundie

1 Truth: What kind of 'loving god' sends u to hell?!, this is a deceiving & evil en+ity &it is farming human souls. What kind of creator sends u with no prior knowledge of self expect u 2b good in an evil world.? Archons farm humans same way we farm animals.

Rod Pickens; The bible says its not God intent that we perish and go to hell. What about the loving God wants us to spend eternity with him and not in hell. Hell isn’t the focus of the faith, love is. If hell is all you got from the faith then you might need to be taught the bible. God doesnt send us there our bad decisions do.

1 Truth: so in the Bible he demands worship... If you created something or some1 would you demand it to worship you? If you do make it to 'heavan' which I call advanced software. You get there, then what? Just be iin awe? You eventually get sent back with no prior memories of past lives. Reincarnated\recycled so the energy/light/love you tease they feed on. Like the movie sausage party humans are food.

Rod Pickens 1 Truth Its clear that you have your mind made up on what you believe. I respect you enough not to offend you with what I believe. Id rather build relationships and get to know people more than Try to convince someone that my belief is real. Its better to live my life and allow my life to prove thats its real. If I can’t do that then what I believe is meaningless.

Truth @Rod Pickens at the end of the day all beLIEfs are lies, what if u were born a different race, a different country ? Which religion is right? The one you're born in2?

Rod Pickens: The one that can be proven with power. Thats what make Jesus real. I have seen the heal sick, blinded people received sight, deaf able to hear. I have seen real miracles and I have 100% compelled.



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