BreadAlone #fundie

I'm sad for you people that your lives are so dull that you have to get your thrills by cyber-stalking Christians, taking what they say out of context, and then mocking it behind their backs without letting them have the opportunity to defend their position.

If you honestly want to know what I meant, it is that we are all born into sin as enemies of God, and we all deserve hell (spiritual death) and the physical death derived from Adam and Eve.

But even though we are complete enemies of God, Christ makes us pure and holy through his death. I merely pointed out he can and does do this with babies also. I was trying to combat a common misconception that babies are somehow exempt from the biblical verse "there are none that do good, not even one."

I'm not a baby hater, and frankly this doctrine is hard for me to grasp too. But it's the Truth.



So were we! You can find all of this, and more, on Fundies Say the Darndest Things!

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