"taking what they say out of context"
Ah yes, 'out of context'. The standard (and extremely weak) excuse used by those caught saying what they shouldn't. Even politicians no longer go by the maxim 'this is strictly off the record...'. There's no such thing as 'off the record' any more. Walls have ears (and journos have digital audio recorders with very sensitive microphones. I have one, made by Olympus - good stuff too).
Similarly with you right-wing fundies. Just because you're 'preaching to the converted' doesn't necessarily mean everyone who reads what you post is someone who agrees with you - or is even a member. Short of being on a private channel on IRC, I'm afraid what you say on an easily accessed web-based BBS is Public Domain - as is what you say there. And not everyone agrees with what you say. And, as proved by Obama's election last year, they're the majority. And that majority certainly don't agree with your beliefs, or opinions. The 'Moral Majority'? No longer, it seems.
And more & more people are disagreeing with your right-wing attitudes too (the fact Obama's in the White House now, and not Caribou Barbie & the Corpse; the GOP's tearing itself apart as a result), and more importantly, the Religious Right's powerbase is weakening. It's no longer a social taboo to openly admit to being an Atheist. And above all - people are no longer afraid of said Religious Right, or their 'Fire & Brimstone' preachers (Two Words: Ted Faggard). See, we're no longer afraid of you, what you stand for, nor what you claim will happen to us. Because those who don't believe in a 'Hell' aren't afraid of you, nor what you say or think.
But then, I'm sad for you people that your lives are so dull that you have to get your thrills by cyber-stalking non-Christians, gays, women who want abortions, liberals & Atheists, taking what they say, do & think, and then mocking it behind their backs without letting them have the opportunity to defend their position.
When it comes to you fundies and your poisonous & bigoted attitudes, there is no 'context'. If you say it that way, you mean it that way. And you HATE Left-wingers, gays, liberals, women wanting abortions, Atheists, scientists (especially those pro-Evolution), and generally anyone who's not a True Christian.
"If you honestly want to know what I meant, it is that we are all born into sin as enemies of God, and we all deserve hell (spiritual death)"
[citation needed]
"enemies of God"
How can we (especially on FSTDT) be 'enemies' of something completely fictional? Try Googling 'Flying Spaghetti Monster', and you'll see what we mean. If your delicate, fragile 'faith' will allow you to, that is.
"your lives are so dull that you have to get your thrills by cyber-stalking Christians"
Don't flatter yourself. If all fundies stopped being right-wing, ignorant, bigoted & nationalistic neocon Jesus-freaks who think they have the right to interfere in other peoples' lives, and started being left-wing, meek, reserved, non-judgemental, introverted & keeping themselves (and their opinions) to themselves, and above all - were TOLERANT (as Christians are supposed to be), then this world (certainly America) would be an infinitely better place. And if all fundies acted like that, then there'd be no more material for us to comment on, logically destroy & generally take the piss out of, then FSTDT would cease to exist, and we'd get on with our lives. In a better, fundy-free world.
Your call, BreadAlone.