Richard Betteridge #fundie

The time has come to release more about what the Lord has been telling me about this same sex marriage fiasco that has engulfed our nation. You might remember two weeks ago I posted a message from Dad, telling those of us who were His children to Fear Not. During the past couple of weeks we have seen more and more vicious behaviour from those who espouse free love, those who claim “love is Love”, but who show no love to those who stand true to God. It’s so sad that the alphabet people don’t get it; they don’t see what is really going on here. The enemy has blinded them and in these End Times is pulling so many away from God. We know that we are not going to win this vote, but we were never meant to, we were meant to fight the good fight, we were meant to stand up for God and His ways, we were meant to be lights shining against the darkness, but, we were not meant to win this fight.

You won’t hear this message or anything like it preached from the pulpits of the liberal churches that have twisted and altered our Fathers words. Those churches, those ministers are too busy preaching messages about social inclusion, preaching about the god they have designed not the God of the Bible. Their messages are an insult to God, they preach anything but the truth and are no longer fit to be called shepherds but are wolves among the flock. Any Pastor that preaches anything contrary to the Word of God, who teaches falsehoods and lies, who pushes a form of godliness that opposes God’s righteousness, will wish they had a millstone placed around their necks rather than face God.

So let me get to the message. Australia is a nation under God’s Wrath. Don’t look for fire and brimstone that is not what He is talking about. Just as with Israel in the past when they wanted their own way, not His, God sent His prophets and judges to try and turn them back to Him, but they would not listen. They wanted a king, God said, I am your King, but they persisted. So God said okay have it your way and gave them a king. A right mess that turned out to be. They wanted the things of the Assyrians and Babylonians, God said, they are not good things to have, I have better for you. But they persisted. So God said okay have it your way and allowed them to be conquered by their neighbours and carried off into captivity. Time and time again God has given His children what they wanted in order to draw them back to Him. They had to suffer God’s wrath in order to be His.

So it is with us as a nation, we were blessed, we were His, but we have turned our backs on His ways, on His righteousness, on His truth. We want it our way, we say either God is a big meany who spoils all our fun, or God doesn’t exist so we can do whatever we want. We covet the things of the world. We murder our children or we tell them they have no gender. We accept homosexuality and same sex marriage. We promote evil and satanic ideas as being good. We rape and pillage our country daily instead of being stewards. We don’t care about our neighbours as ourselves. Well God says, okay if that’s what you want, you’ve got it, but don’t come crying to me or blame me when it all blows up in your faces. You want it, you got it.

When God judges the five cities around Sodom, He would have spared them if he had found as few as ten righteous people, that is not going to happen this time. Just as God told the prophet Jeremiah not to pray for the nation because He had delivered them up for judgement, so He tells us the same thing. They had hardened their necks towards God and now He would harden their hearts. Pray for your family and friends, that they may come to know the Father. Pray for the timing of God’s wrath to be short. Pray that those who are wavering would be strengthened. Pray for your brothers and sisters that they will find courage to speak for God during this time. But don’t pray for the nation, we need this time just as a disobedient child needs chastisement.

The signs of the coming return of the Lord are growing by the day. Whilst it is true that there are still a few major signs left to be fulfilled, we must remain as alert as the watchmen on the tower and declare them to the world as they occur. The next few years are going to be interesting to say the least. As we watch them unfold we need not fear as we stand firm in the Fathers Love. Declare to the world you are His unflinchingly and rely on the Holy Spirit to guide your words and deeds. Not a Slave, Not a Servant, but a Son.



So were we! You can find all of this, and more, on Fundies Say the Darndest Things!

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