Anonymous Coward #fundie

Hi Everyone!

I have this very important video I wanted to get out to you today. This may be considered the most important video I've ever done! So please get this Word out. I do believe this is an urgent Word from the Lord a Revelation! This could be the biggest sign ever that the rapture is imminent! As we know they are going to perform the Grammy's tomorrow night with Lady Gaga acting as Lucifer.

I was told through the Holy Spirit that this is a cornerstone event, meaning that something significant is going to come about because of this. History repeats itself and the Antichrist will come on the scene in the same way that Jesus did 2,000 years ago. Well what happened back then is there was a forerunner to Christ and he was John the Baptist. Well from what I was told there will also be a forerunner to the Antichrist and I believe this forerunner is Lady Gaga. She is introducing him at the Grammy's, his ideals and his ways. But what I am telling you as that this forerunner is also introducing the spirit of the Antichrist and is about to release to the masses on February 15th, through our televisions. All who watch this will become susceptible to this spirit and it will cause most people to succumb to this spirit in preparation so that they will be in acceptance to the Antichrist.

This Jezebel spirit in Lady Gaga, this evil influence will cause people to want to accept the the Antichrist, his ideas and most of all the Mark of the Beast. I think they are also anticipating that the rapture is near and are starting to persuade the masses now with the spirit of delusion. So Please do not watch that show. Those who are strong in the Lord may not be influenced by it, possessed by it, but we could very well be attacked by it as it comes in through the television. The TV tomorrow night will most likely be used as a portal for this evil influence so we can expect things as for as Bible prophecy is concerned, to escalate "Big" time after tomorrow night.

World leaders will also be influenced by this army of demons about to be unleashed into the world. If you remember in the Bible, that John the Baptist was there, just before Jesus came on the scene. Just as Lady Gaga is there, just before the Antichrist is set to reveal himself. I look for more people to join Lady Gaga in the days to come, being under this influence in helping to introduce the Antichrist, such as possibly the Pope. If he is the false prophet, I look to him to take over where Lady Gaga left off at the Grammys.

I had a vision about obama on New Year's Eve. He was standing there watching the ball dropped. After it did, he got on his phone and said to the person on the other is time! Then he hung up! But I knew it meant that he was about to show himself in this year and very soon! This plan at the Grammy's as a plan by Satan to unleash his army on the masses and to bring the Antichrist forward. Its the battle of all battles about to begin and it means the tribulation is about to start any minute now! If we are the restrainer and God's timing is perfect, then it means we have to go very soon in order for all of this to come to pass! And since the Antichrist is going to reveal himself now, we cannot be here for that. Also a spiritual event of this magnitude will most certainly manifest itself in the physical.

I look for a major geological event to happen very soon because of this! And we can expect every day people who are not grounded in the Lord and world leaders to start making decisions in favor of what the Antichrist would have them think or believe. I would expect people to start wacking out after this the grammy's are broadcast and hatred for Christians will increase substantial! All of this means that our time is just about up! God is separating the goats from the sheep and if you are not grounded in the Word, then you can become influenced! Those who are grounded in the Word can expect satanic attacks to be off the charts so stay in prayer! All of this means that Jesus is coming soon! So stay in prayer and keep looking up! Jesus is coming soon! God bless you all!



So were we! You can find all of this, and more, on Fundies Say the Darndest Things!

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