beebee #conspiracy
The Cosmic False Flag
This is the type of technology that I fear will spell the demise of the religious community; specifically those who await the rapture. If the hologram technology that allows us to "see" Michael Jackson, or Elvis & Celine Dion performing together on stage when some have been dead for many years, is "declassified" what sort of technology is still "Classified?" Well, in the hologram technology what is classified is 1000 times more advanced than what we've been allowed to see. If you don't want to watch the entire video, check out around the 20 minute, 37 minute and at the 1 hour 20 minute mark.
If anyone is wondering why the President has to follow orders, it might be because there are 21 levels ABOVE the President.
The "alien" threat from outer space is a LIE and a HOAX.