AKB48 #conspiracy godlikeproductions.com

Why ABORTION is a bigger issue than IMMIGRATION and the ECONOMY

Ted Cruz can say he is Pro-Life and get away with it because he is an INSIDER. His fellow Republicans will tell the "Grand-master" that Ted is just pretending because he is in their pocket and there WILL NOT BE ANY LAWS MADE THAT PROHIBIT ABORTION IF HE IS ELECTED PRESIDENT

Trump on the other hand is damned if he's 'for' and damned if he's 'against. No one to vouch for him on the inside.

The Abortion issue is very very very very very divisive, but the elites are for it! Why? Because its their form of sacrifice to the gods Baal and Molech. Use the imagery of the orgy scene of the movie "Eyes Wide Shut" to get what I'm saying.

The spirits of Washington require sacrifice, and you may be shocked to find out that many politicians' wives are clients of planned parenthood. So whenever there is talk of banning Abortion there is HUUGE political push-back.

So when Trump says he's not an insider and pledges to clean up Washington, he probably has no idea what he's up against. For we wrestle not against flesh and blood...yada yada yada!

Hillary Clinton on the other hand has PAID HER DUES



So were we! You can find all of this, and more, on Fundies Say the Darndest Things!

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