Now of course athiest don't grant christianity to be true so they don't see the harm of equating God to chance or a projection of their intellect into the created universe and whatever on their own authority they find it to be. But it is not as though they are not creature worshipers doing so granting christianity to be true and it is not as though they have a right to say christianity is not true on the basis of their own lack of evidence according to human standards (corruptible standards that is) as compared to determining the weight of evidence that is accord to be the case on God's uncorruptible standards.
"Now of course athiest don't grant christianity to be true so they don't see the harm of equating God to chance or a projection of their intellect into the created universe and whatever on their own authority they find it to be."
Jeez, what a disaster of a sentence.
As an atheist, I don't equate God to anything but other characters from badly written fiction.
"But it is not as though they are not creature worshipers doing so granting christianity to be true and it is not as though they have a right to say christianity is not true on the basis of their own lack of evidence according to human standards (corruptible standards that is) as compared to determining the weight of evidence that is accord to be the case on God's uncorruptible standards."
Jeez, what an even worse disaster of a sentence.
I am an atheist. I don't worship anything, not your imaginary God nor any creature, imaginary or not. I no way do I grant that Xianity is true. Do not presume to tell me what I believe.
Your thoughts seem so deranged, I'm sure that directing you to a dictionary would be a waste of time, but you obviously don't know the definition of "atheist."
PAINFUL reading. And after all of that work, it's just a dribble of shit.
I do notice this a lot, is it because they make the same mistake, or do christians really think that atheistS are one big entity, mashed together with a hive mentality? "Atheist'S don't grant etc", not atheist.
christians really think that atheistS are one big entity, mashed together with a hive mentality
That would be kinda cool. After one generation or so, nobody would have to waste years of their life at school and university learning what has already been learned countless times before; they could just recall it from collective memory. Religion would probably die out rapidly too. Sign me up!
Atheists don't think christianity is real so they don't see the harm of attributing the actions of god to some natural cuaes or other(translators note: this appears to be a serious crime in the posters opinion.)
Atheists worship plants and animals(translators note: in the posters mind this might also include inanimate objects) therefore they have no right to judge the truth of christianity by the standards of mere reality, as opposed to fubaring the facts to make them fit the posters mythology.
Somebody set us up the religion !!
We get post. Main browser turn on.
It's you !!
How are you Atheists? All your soul are belong to hell.
What you say !!
News for you, sunshine: Those "uncorruptible standards" (snerk, snort... BWA HA HA HA!) are just as manmade as anything an atheist ever came up with. As usual, you lose.
We are human, therefore we must use "human standards".
You are not a god, so you can't know god's "incorruptible standards".
By human standards, you are an illiterate moron.
Do you grant Islam to be true, Timbo?
Do you see the harm of equating Brahman with chance?
You're wrong, it IS as though we are not creature worshipers; we are not worshipers of anything nor anyone.
We're saying that Christianity has as much evidence of being true or false as all the other religions have.
We are humans, so the only standards we have are human.
God's supposedly uncorruptible[sic] standards have a higher weight of evidence than human standards? Well, bring it on then; we want to see all this evidence! So far, we haven't even seen any evidence for the existence of ANY gods, and now you say you have evidence, not only for the existence of gods, or your god in particular, but for his standards as well.
Oh, you wrote that almost eleven years ago. Why have you been holding on to this bombshell for so long, dearie? Where IS the evidence?
So were we! You can find all of this, and more, on Fundies Say the Darndest Things!
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