At first, I put Leprechauns as an example of subnatural, but I believe Leprechauns really existed at one time as a manifestation of demons.
Oh come on AV1611VET, if you're going to come back and make more fundie stuff, do it correctly !
Where is the Godwin ? What about communists ? What about evolution ? What about Muslims ?
Fundies these days, not what they used to be...
And Bigfoot is a demon, and the Loch Ness Monster is a demon, and aliens are demons, and elves are demons, and pixies are demons...
In short, "any supernatural belief that doesn't follow the bible = demons."
Being pestered by a demonic leprechaun and you need a quick escape, just throw shoes at him.
Points for those who get the reference.
Edit: Violet Beauregarde beat me too it.
Also, no Lucky Charms for you either.
Well, you can't exactly say the old denizens of the British Isles had THAT high an opinion of the Fair Folk. I don't know if leprechauns were ALWAYS of the Seelie Court, though. In other words, were UNseelie leprechauns possible?
God is a gateway delusion. It might seem innocent at first, some Christian or Muslim approaches you about their religion, masking it as just believing in this thing that created you and the whole universe that they call God. But delusions are a slippery slope and once you start believing in one supernatural entity for no reason what's to stop you. Pretty soon you start believing in ghosts and demons, metaphysical planes that no one has ever been to. Before you know it you're teaching lessons in a private Christian school in Louisiana on how the Loch Ness monster proves creationism.
God: Not even once.
Oh that's ridiculous Lisa, everyone knows leprechauns are extinct!
--Kent Brockman
(And you thought I was done with Simpsons quotes!)
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