Timotheus #fundie christiandiscussionforums.org
If athiesm is true you may worship nothing but if christianity is true you are a creature worshipper. Your response "I don't worship anything" actually proves that you are not in line with what the Creator says about you. Which means you are definitely not honouring God in your statement, "I don't worship anything". We all do according to christianity. There is no in between there are either Creator worshippers or creature worshippers so if Christianity is the gospel truth then your statement that "I don't worship anything" would be an evidence to a christian that you in fact are a creature worshipper. Now to an athiest it is evidence that he/she is in line with athiesm for athiesm doesn't at all take Romans 1 into account or that he/she is a creature and should do all things to His glory of his/her Creator whether that be eating or drinking. That is fine. But to just say "I don't worship anything" and some how we christians are going to abandon the thus saith the LORD in Romans 1 on your say so. I just don't think we are prepared to take your say so into account at this point. We are Creator worshippers by His grace in Christ not athiest worshippers!!!!