Wiccans are LIARS! It's interesting that the very term "warlock" (used to describe a male witch) means, A LIAR.
and yet I have never met a wiccan who used the term warlock to describe a male witch. in fact, many consider the term offensive.
So what's the term for a Christian fundy lier?
I mean, besides David J Stewart.
News flash: warlock is the term CHRISTIANS use to describe a male witch/wiccan.
There I go, clouding the issue with facts.
"the very term "warlock" (used to describe a male witch) means, A LIAR. "
No, the word "fundie" means, A LIAR.
Yaaay finally, my topic!
To put it short: Wiccans themselves use "warlock" as an offense against traitors, especially those who betray the faith e.i. Bill Schnoebelen, a famous fundy televangelist, who claims to have been a "satanic wiccan" once.
A proper term for a male witch is "male witch".
So, if my kids lie to me, I can call them little wrlocks! :lol: That's funny!
Anyway, I as well wanted to know what dictionary you used to look up the term?! Maybe David J. Stewart is a secret "warlock"
So, by believing in other gods are they deliberately telling something which is not true for their own benefit?, WTF?, in which language does warlock means liar?
I'm pretty sure 'warlock' means
"the male equivalent of witches (usually in the pejorative sense of Europe's Middle Ages), and were said to ride pitchforks instead of broomsticks which normally witches would ride. In traditional Scottish witchcraft, "warlock" was and is simply the term used for a wizard, or male witch."
The Wikipedia would not lie to me, praise it.
It's interesting that the very term "warlock" (used to describe a male witch) means, A LIAR.
Yes, the etimology of the word includes the word "liar", but that doesn't mean warlock = liar...
Of course, if you want to argue that it does, then you should be aware that the etimology of the word "Christian" includes the word "Cretin" which would mean that you think Christian = Cretin... and in your case, you'd be right.
warlocks - Bollox, especially to DJS!
Christians are supposed to love, but they only seem to hate, so I reckon they are Warlocks too, if they can live a life as a lie.
David J. Stewart is not a myopic, self-centred fundie egotist who regularly pulls facts and statistics out of his rectum in order to justify everything from wife beating to child abuse. He is in fact a good, holy, pious man and is not at all bitter, stupid and hateful.
Oops. I lied. It must be the warlock.
No no, the term "warlock" means "character class that chain-fears its main target in PvP, while using its succubus to Seduce any other enemy that tries to interfere."
Damn effective if played right, too.
First of all Warlock means "oath breaker" not liar.
Second not all Wiccans call themselves witches(as not all practice witchcraft)
Third male Wiccan witches call themselves... wait for it... Witches. I know, shocking the same title can be used for both sexes.
I have never met (online or otherwise)someone who calls him or herself a warlock(or wizard for that matter) mage yes warlock, no.
**Wiccans are LIARS! It's interesting that the very term "warlock" (used to describe a male witch) means, A LIAR.**
LOL maybe that's why we don't use the term WARLOCK. It's part of Wicca's dogma that male witches are not to be called warlocks under any circumstances (and yeah, even us heathens have dogma). All pagans, male or female, are called witches or Wiccans or pagans or whatever they choose to be called.
Do your homework before you open your piehole, and I don't mean by just reading the Harry Potter books, either.
Ooo-kay, David is wrong about Wiccan jargon, half right about an etymological curiosity, and utterly mistaken about the use of homonyms in the English language.
David seems to think that a word with two meanings should be treated as if both meanings were synonyms. Major fail.
As proof: You can pitch a ball over a cricket pitch before you pitch a tent beside a patch of pitch before you make a pitch, and not one of these different meanings is a synonym for any of the others.
Okay. Last straw. Level 10 stupid from a level 12 FUCKWIT. Never, EVER insult a religion that's older than yours. It results in death. Mainly, me taking your penis. And come on, if you're going to offend someone, do it properlly, you fuck. A WARLOCK is an offensive term. So, you FUCKING MANWHORE, GO TO YOUR HUSBAND, JESUS, AND GIVE HIM THE BLOWJOB EXACTLY WHEN HE ASKS FOR IT. I am sickened, honestly SICKENED, by you. I hope your children grow up to be Wiccans. Then you can blame yourself for the 'evil' in the world while teaching little girls that being something more than a breeding machine is something they'll be punished for. I hope you get hit by a bus. I hope you get raped by an old uncle next time you see him. I hope you get raped by your father. I hope you get raped by your BROTHER AND SON AT THE SAME TIME. And most of all, I hope that The Morrigan will burn you. Gaea willing, she will. 'This is not a hate site'. Yeah right. You know that saying that a religion is evil is HATE right? Or are you just so BLIND and STUPID you don't know that. Wicca is about looking after people AND the Earth, your Mother. Show a little respect. Lastly... Fuck. You. Fuck you. Fuck everyone you know. Fuck everyone you're related to. AND FUCK YOUR RELIGION YOU SICK ELITEST FUCK.
[Note: I emailed this to the guy.]
David J Stewart is a prophet from God please listen to him I beg you some things he says are true. Trust Jesus as your savior because we are all sinners and God loves you.
Bless you all!
Now to Him who is able to keep you from stumbling, and to make you stand in the presence of His glory blameless with great joy, to the only God our Savior, through Jesus Christ our Lord, be glory, majesty, dominion and authority, before all time and now and forever. Amen. Jude 24-25
Fucktard, go suck Jesus's cock and also have your god fuck you in the ass. Not a hate site and yet that is all you preach about "this religion is bad,or that religion will send you to hell" blah blah blah. Fuck off and die and take your shitty religion with you.
Wow, as someone who has actually RESEARCHED Wicca, I can tell you with certainty that those people generally have SO much more class and ethics than YOU will ever have, sir.
They don't proselytize or convert. They even think women are real human beings and the Earth needs our protection! Shocker!!!
BTW, they don't use the word "Warlock" either. They use "witch" for both genders. You're an idiot who clearly has no idea what you're talking about - and you really don't care either, do ya?!
So were we! You can find all of this, and more, on Fundies Say the Darndest Things!
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