Saracen & Anonymous Coward #fundie
Saracen: Why Evolution is Promoted!
The theory states that essentially man came from monkey. Now for reasons which I will state, white folk all unanimously came to the agreement that the first man on the planet was a black man.
This helped black people to some degree but the theory brought up other ideas in the minds of the Caucasians. Since we were the first and man came from monkey, we as black people, would therefore be the closest in lineage to the monkey. This meant also (to them) that since we were closest to the animal, we should be treated as such.
This could not be any farther from the truth!
Man did not come from monkey, he more so degenerated into one. This is why monkeys and other great apes are still existing on the planet.
[Anonymous Coward: "Interesting theory, I just don't think that's a an important enough reason (keeping blacks down) to develop the concept of evolution.
Now to discredit creation, that's a good reason. They need us to have no God.
Although, I believe Darwin believed his theory and wasn't developing it solely to discredit God.
The theory of evolution has many flaws and its no better than the theory of Creation with genetic adaption."]
Saracen: Its not just about keeping blacks down - it`s about re-enforcing white supremacy and keeping his machine running.
If it has so many flaws, why is it still promoted in school textbooks
Yes it was used to discredit creation but I think it just helped boost non black peoples self-esteem because those in the know, know their true lineage and descendents. They are just too embarrassed to let the world know!
Genetic adaptation can clearly explain this because we currently have DNA as well certain glands and organs in our body which have atrophied. Now if we have 2 strands of DNA and the vast majority is JUNK (they say), whats wrong in assuming that it degenerated to 2 from a higher number. This goes the same with certain glands and organs in our body which have atrophied to the point where they are no longer of any use (vestigial). They must have been in use at one point and through genetic changes, atrophied over time.