The Most Beautiful Thing That Can Happen to Planet Earth is the COMPLETE ERADICATION of Islam
Islam is a confirmed deadly mind virus, hell bent of eradicating the life giving FEMININE energies, subjugating the female, and raising of the MALE energies.
The very first Egyptian civilizations boomed owing to the superiority of the FEMININE. This was the GOLDEN age. We have murals showing women ruling, and women with hands over the male Pharaohs. This is the way its supposed to be.
Then along came the satanic forces, and they created a bunch of MALE DOMINATED shoe box cults.
Moham-mad was contacted by evil entities in a dark cave where he supposedly meditated.
Mohammed was a dark cave where he supposedly meditated.
I know, it's ridiculous, isn't it? "Meditation". Ha!
Everyone knows that when people go somewhere dark to meditate, they really mean masturbate. Talk about "raising of male energies", amiright?
Seriously though, what in Oblivion is this?
I don't disagree Islam is bad but Christianity isn't really better. Perhaps if we eradicated religion through education we might actually have a better society and planet.
"Moham-mad was contacted by evil entities in a dark cave where he supposedly meditated"
Gabriel is evil entities? And what's wrong with meditation?
Hehe that's really hilarious considering ancient egyptian culture was very much a patriarchy and the few female monarchs like Hatshepsut had their names erased from their cartouches, even though her reign was very prosperous. (She also only reigned because the real heir to the throne wasn't old enough to do so if I remember correctly). And before someone mentions Cleopatra: She actually wasn't egyptian but came into power as part of the greek reign over egypt. Other than that women were good for one thing for the pharaoh: as part of his harem or as the mothers of future kings. It wasn't a very feminine culture is what I'm trying to say.
The most beautiful thing you can conceive is mass murder on a scale even human beings have yet to reach -- and all in service to creating a 'gentler' world (and one based on a very limited "understanding" of history).
You're hardly worth the effort.
"Then along came the satanic forces, and they created a bunch of MALE DOMINATED shoe box cults."
I thought it was women who dominated the shoe market..
ancient Egypt had a notable handful of female rulers, yes... a handful or two, in about four thousand years of recorded history, IIRC. they were notable because exceptional. some of them were even decent rulers, but that was a whole other matter.
and those depictions of any body holding their hand over a male pharaoh? the figure depicted doing so is usually a god, as those were the only characters normally considered in any way "above" the ruler.
ancient Egypt, like most other ancient civilizations, was only a "golden era" when compared to other parts of the world at the time. because other parts of the world in ancient days were often uncivilized, barbaric, and tribal; any organized civilization would have looked good in comparison. feh, it's like people who glamorize the Vikings --- they were a bunch of rarely-bathed iron age barbarians, only notable for being marginally better fighters than their trading-partners-sometimes-raiding-victims in other parts of Europe, who were barely more civilized themselves.
I'd go one further, the best thing that could happen to Planet Earth is the complete eradication of all superstitious religion everywhere. Unfortunately that would take a lot of education to pull off, and there are a lot of stupid people out there who will remain willfully ignorant because they want to keep believing in their superstition and spread it around to as many people as possible.
...and with the M other O f A ll B ollocks-ups, Donald Fart - he of the granite-solid conviction & carved in stone for all time campaign policy - has ensured the Most Beautiful Thing: the Complete Eradication of his Credibility.
You're going to wish that the Feminine had subjugated him. A male - the right -wing author & blogger PJ O'Rourke - gave her his energy by saying last year that Hillary Clinton was 'The lesser of two evils'.
But then, along came the retarded forces and they created a male wig box cult. Wiggy was made mad by a few evil entities. He now should be medicated .
So were we! You can find all of this, and more, on Fundies Say the Darndest Things!
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