The Beatles are straight from Hell, which is where John Lennon and George Harrison are suffering in tormentuous flames this moment. Don't believe it? Then you don't believe the Bible... "In flaming fire taking vengeance on them that know not God, and that obey not the gospel of our Lord Jesus Christ: Who shall be punished with everlasting destruction from the presence of the Lord, and from the glory of his power" (2nd Thessalonians 1:8,9). John Lennon publicly denounced Jesus Christ, as did George Harrison. Harrison was deeply devoted to eastern mysticism (false religion), and rejected Jesus Christ as his Savior.
Ringo Star and Paul McCartney will soon follow behind into Hellfire.
I would rather go to Hell then to Heaven. In Hell I will be in the company of kings, rock stars, and free thinkers. In Heaven I will be in the company of monks, beggers, and David Stewart.
Whatever, prick. John Lennon is my hero! They should be more popular than jeebus, cuz they rock!
I love teh Beatles, but Paul is teh kyoot one! ^^
Man, Hell sounds pretty cool about now. John Lennon, George Harrison, Kurt Cobain, William S. Burroughs, Jimi Hendrix, George Carlin, Layne Staley, Hunter S. Thompson, Divine, the Marquis de Sade... That's my kinda crowd!
No, I don't believe it and, in an amazing twist, YOU'RE RIGHT, I don't believe the Bible.
Dude, that was just low. The Beatles fucking ROCK, man, and if you'll look into that "bigger than Christ" comment, you'll find an explanation for it. Srsly, man, Beatles /= Satanic, and John's probably reincarnated by now.
Hey, if the Beatles are going to Hell, sign me up.
Wait, I'm a pagan so I'm going to Valhalla. There we get to fight all day and party all night.
Valhalla sounds a lot like Hell, actually...
The Beatles are no longer the worst evil! There is a new act, straight from the BOWELS of hell, that is called The Doors, and their blasphemy has to be heard to be believed! (Like most blasphemy, I suppose.)
David Stewart...
Writing the words of a sermon that no one will hear;
No one comes near.
Look at him working,
Nodding his socks in the night when there's nobody there.
What does he care?
All the lonely people, where do they all come from?
All the lonely people, where do they all belong?
I'll bet hell really puts on a concert. Beatles, Joplin, Hendrix and so on.
How nice of you David to pick on people not in this world now. Typical. I'm offended. Why the hell did you not mention the Stones? Listen to "Sympathy for the Devil" and get back to me.
Just 'cos YOU haven't got any taste and don't believe in love and peace doesn't mean they're in Hell. Shit, if I had it my way, people like YOU would go to Hell ("saved" or not) and all of the good, kind people who believed and exercised peace and love would go to Heaven.
Of course, neither exist, but if I had it my way, that's how it'd be.
(But if Hell did exist, it seems like all of the awesome people are going there. Recreational Sin Hell will be awesome. I didn't sin BIG on Earth. Didn't kill anybody, wasn't a really jealous type, etc. I just listen to rock, think for myself, and value equality, peace, and harmony. So I'm going to Recreational Sin Hell.)
This is coming from someone who's angered when he sees a woman wearing pants. Sorry Dave, but I can't take anything you say seriously, even if it made sense, which it never does.
The Beatles are straight from Hell
You need to update your vitriol, DJS. You're starting to sound like a square.
Dave, have you not been paying attention over the last 40 years or so? The Beatles are positively anaemic compared to the subversive stuff kids listen to today, and you're even more out of touch with reality than the average biblical arch-conservative if you think railing against them is going to have any relevance to anything.
You're fourty odd years too late, Davey. Also, my cousin called. He says that if you ever come to Liverpool, he'll comandeer the Magical Mystery Tour, find you, and run your ass over.
Hang on, hang on! Calm down, calm down! What sinful EEEASTEERRN MYSSSSTICISSSMMMM did Ringo get involved in?
All I remember him doing was narrating Thomas the Tank Engine . . . is that eastern mysticism?
Choo choo.
So who do they listen to in heaven? Choirs of angels? The Backstreet Boys?
"Once again, good hardly puts up a fight."
-Calvin (Of Calvin and Hobbes)
"Ringo Star and Paul McCartney will soon follow behind into Hellfire."
HE DONT KNOW THAT!!! RINGO AND PAUL MAY GET BORN AGAIN AND REPENT OF THEIR LIFESTYLE SOMEDAY BEFORE THEY DIE!!! You cant automatically judge someone to Hell. Stewart is a bigger sinner than ANY OF THE BEATLES!! Now Im NOT saying i support the Beatles's lifestyle. not one bit. BUT CANT HE TELL RINGO AND PAUL ABOUT JESUS SAVING THEM FROM HELL INSTEAD OF CONDEMING THEM TO HELL?? That's what i would do to Ringo and Paul...I tell them how much Jesus loves them and is willing to save them from damnation thru repentance.
Jesus is Savior and David Stewart is right, believe the bible not the Beatles. John Lennon and George Harrison both rejected Jesus as their personal savior. John was not popular than God, nobody`s better than God, Lennon was too stubborn to learn the truth about God.
So were we! You can find all of this, and more, on Fundies Say the Darndest Things!
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