All true science begins with God, centers around God, and never strays off the fact that God is the omnipotent Creator of all life and the Maker of the universe in which we live.
One, what Das said.
Two, that's just... Entirely wrong. Scientific endeavors have essentially proved that the Christian god is an impossibility. No flood, no miracles, no anything that's common and important in the Bible. But let me guess, those scientists are all just part of a conspiracy to keep you and other God-fearing Christians down.
Lies, damned lies, bullshit, drivel, what have you, but it's all that comes out of your mouth, Stewart.
Science never starts with a biased, prejudged conclusion that would affect the results. If any scientist were to automatically assume that there is a god in their paper then their credibility would be lost, and their career could very well be over.
Gee, why spend years getting a PhD in biochemistry? Just wait around for God to cure our diseases. Oh, wait, they tried that with the Plague in the Middle Ages, and it ended with a third of the human population of Europe being killed.
Science is based on the questioning of implicit assumptions like this one.
Any science conducted the way you want it is not scientific at all unless we can prove that this deity really did create all life and the universe and that it is omnipotent.
That doesn't mean that it isn't crazy when a Christian like DJS says it. Personally, I saw major logical disconnect in Kashif's rambling, as noted in my comment on the quote.
Only a couple of folks actually said it wasn't that nutty.
I think the reason fewer people thought the Muslim guy was fundie was because his thought process was "Hey look, these real scientific discoveries that I believe in can be shoehorned into my book."
Whereas DJS is saying "if it ain't in the book, it ain't real and I ain't gonna believe it."
It's an extra level of delusion asshattery.
@#1805680 :
You went full Davey. Never go full Davey.
Seriously -- are you truly this stupid or was this just the worst trolling attempt of your life? That was almost as bad as ButThreeLeftsDo in the quote immediately preceding this one in which they said "I don’t know ONE heterosexual that marches around banging a drum for one man and one woman." .
Not really fundie I guess, and there's actual legitimate (i.e. not creationist) scientists who work this way.
On the other hand, it is being said by the fundie of fundies, so make of it what you will.
So were we! You can find all of this, and more, on Fundies Say the Darndest Things!
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