Llero Oneiro #conspiracy godlikeproductions.com

Your Apathy toward Pizzagate & Celebrities Impostor Politicians is About to Get us all Killed

People are learning WHY these wanna be illuminati, I call them deluminati elitists are nercocannibalpedophiles and not all of them are going to turn away in disgust, or take up the sword of light.

Some people are going to want in.

Some people are going to try this on their own.

Yous fucking people are not addressing the seriousness of this situation AT ALL.

I am the first person to say I don't give a fuck about anything; and until I die or kill myself, I live here and try to make the best of conditions.

Ya'll need to focus and get your game in check and start learning white magic if you want to counter this shit.

People are learning why these scum bags do this shit but they do not understand or see or realize the totality of the beliefs that encompass this behavior.

People are also taking too lightly the fact that Michelle Obama is a man, Beyonce is a man, John McCain is an actor in a mask... and there are some far worse things going on with these people that aren't WHERE ARE THE REPTILES!!



So were we! You can find all of this, and more, on Fundies Say the Darndest Things!

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