I'd relish the chance to tell Camp that for everything he suggested the victim do, and for every possible action that was not suggested, and every possible action that would be born of any action taken in response to continued struggle the rapist's actions would have been exactly the same: Circumvention. That was the plan to start with.
He would have continued to overcome his victim's struggling until one or the other was physically incapable of doing so from the fear so many idiotic bastards can't wrap their heads around, physical intervention by a third party, exhaustion, injury, or finally death.
And if the not-at-all honorable Judge Camp didn't get what I meant I'd demonstrate my point by describing various ways of punching him. And every punch that connects I'm going to tell him something he could have done to avoid the punch and it will while a pedantic recital of different directions to dodge, slip, feint, try to counter, or curl up and take it. And for every successful dodge? Another, different kind of physical attack. Continuing until he gives up or we are both literally out of ways to describe how to hurt someone. Then maybe finally sock him one.
If he complains? Tell him he provoked me, draw the parallel to the excuses rapists use about temptation to lust except this time it's wrath. If he brings up being the initiator? Ask what the difference was between a rapist's lust and my wrath. If he tries to weasel out through focusing on the level of violence Tthen give another pedantic breakdown of lesser physical insults from broken bones, to indian burns, to wet willies, to a pies and pillows in the face. See just what level of violence constitutes an act of violence and at what point it becomes unlawful. Then ask what's an appropriate act for him to take before I can do something unlawful to him. Then suggest ways I can catch him in such an act or provoke him to such an act. And if he brings up entrapment and false pretenses? Well then I ask why my initial intentions matter if a rapist's don't. If they can stalk women, look for weaknesses, try to corner them alone, slip things into their drinks... basically plan a rape or do a quick risk assessment of whether or not they can get away with it at that moment in time. Ask him to define the delicate math between premeditation, provocation, and the severity of acts that this becomes tolerable. Then I'm going to ask if he realizes what's going on yet.
That I will not stop, ever, until I've gotten what I want. There will always be an excuse. I will come after him. I'd already made up my mind to do something hurtful and this is step by step circumvention of his countermeasures and harm reduction to my own punishment. And it continues until one of us simply collapses.
But when he gives up? It won't stop the bad things from being bad. It doesn't make them wanted.