Well-educated blacks have to marry "down" since it is simply too hard to find another smart black person. Studies have shown average black IQ is 85 and 68% of blacks have IQ range of 70 to 100. To be qualified to be in college, you have at least IQ 100. To be successful in college, you have to have IQ about 110. Based on studies, only 16% of blacks have more than 100 of IQ and few of them can be successful. In sum, studying at universities is not black people's nature.
And what about all the studies that show no difference in intelligence of races?
Also, please show us these 'studies'. I'm dying to read them...
First off, I have never seen a college that requires students to take an IQ test.
Secondly, IQ as a metric is not a useful tool. Its less a measurement of intelligence and more a measure of the ability to take the IQ test. Using IQ as a measure of intelligence is outdated and your insistence on using it shows how out of touch you are with the academic community.
In sum, studying at universities is not black people's nature.
Tuskegee, Austin Peay and Wilberforce Universities say different.
"Well-educated blacks have to marry "down" since it is simply too hard to find another smart black person."
You're wrong. I've meant some smart black people. But let's say you were right, why couldn't they marry a nonblack person?
"Studies have shown average black IQ is 85 and 68% of blacks have IQ range of 70 to 100."
Which studies? What dialects were the IQ tests written in and what were the dialects of the people who took the tests? Where is the sample from? If it was a global test then you have to consider the impact of poverty on intelligence. Malnutrition and dehydration hurt the developing brain. And what are the cultural differences? You can not make a test that solely tests analytic ability and perfectly filters out understanding of the examples they use in the questions. Say they have a question that has you problem solve a scenario that happens in a football game. Even if it discusses how football works in the question then a person who knows football saves time and hence gets a bigger score even if his analytical ability is the same as someone who doesn't know a thing about football.
Then why the fuck was there a such thing as a "historically black college" in the US? Clearly black people want to go to college.
@Hasan Prishtina
Austin Peay was never historically black although many black people attend there like all public universities in Tennessee. Are you thinking of Fisk University, the most famous historically black college in Tennessee?
Sometimes it is a struggle to find a smart white person too. But even if your highly doubtful statistics were anywhere near correct, wouldn't it make more sense for a smart person to go to college and marry another smart person OF WHATEVER COLOR?
In sum, studying at universities is not dumb people's nature.
So were we! You can find all of this, and more, on Fundies Say the Darndest Things!
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