Let’s begin with the obvious: Every effort, no matter how well-intentioned, carefully planned, and expensive, has failed to transform blacks into whites. Statistically, blacks are about where they were in the 1960s, and what progress has occurred can be attributed to government coercion, policies like affirmative action, and make-work jobs. Moreover, nothing on the horizon hints at progress and if anything, the blackening of cities like Detroit, Newark, and Philadelphia suggests that things will only get worse as blacks increasingly take control of their own destiny.
the blackening of cities like Detroit, Newark, and Philadelphia suggests that things will only get worse as blacks increasingly take control of their own destiny.
Of course it has nothing to do with shutting down factories and shipping jobs overseas.
Nowadays we have black judges, black Congressmen, black Oscar winners, black surgeons, black CEOs.
Oh yeah, and that one guy in Washington DC. Whatsisname? Something something secret gay Muslim? Yeah, him.
Juuuuuust like they had in the '60's, sure.
Fucking idiot.
"Every effort, no matter how well-intentioned, carefully planned, and expensive, has failed to transform blacks into whites."
And why would they want to turn people into different people?
<Every effort, no matter how well-intentioned, carefully planned, and expensive, has failed to transform blacks into whites. >
Clearly they haven't tried Anime-style magical transformation scenes complete with implied nudity, excessive use of ribbons and an inspirational background track...
"Every effort, no matter how well-intentioned, carefully planned, and expensive, has failed to transform blacks into whites."
No shit, Sherlock!
No one is trying to "transform" blacks into whites. We are trying to give ALL minorities in the west a equal chance. Chinese in the early early 1900s were discriminated against in the USA.
Japanese were put into camps because "dem Jap citizens will help out the enemy"
Hispanics are discriminated against in the past and today.
And then we all know about Blacks and Natives.
There has been PLENTY of progress. The only reason you don't see any is because racists see what they WANT to see. Racists see the thugs that kill people and the baby mamas that live off welfare.
When they see a smart black doctor or a middle class black family living a normal life they yell "AFFIRMATIVE ACTION!" and throw a tantrum.
Complete horseshit. In 1965 almost 1/4 of black Americans were illiterate (about 1/3 of black Americans were functionally illiterate if you include functional illiteracy), nearly 40% of black Americans were below the American Poverty Line, nearly 40% of black Americans never finished school, only 5% of African-Americans were Middle Class and most black Americans were sharecroppers or limited to fields like menial labor (being train porters and ditch diggers) or domestic work like being maids. As of 2015, black illiteracy is down to 8-9%; now 21% of black Americans are below the poverty line (as opposed to nearly 40% in 1965); 91% of black Americans finish school nationally; and 23% of black Americans are middle-class. There are now 2.3 million black-owned businesses in the US and as of 2012 African-Americans generated $1.1 Trillion in consumer sales alone. Not even counting the hundreds of billions of dollars generated from tax revenue from black taxpayers, value-added from the 19-21 million black workers of Americas and profit generated from black-owned businesses. Economic inequality between blacks and whites in the US is still significant, particularly when it comes to household net worth (the black median income is 70 to 80-something percent of the white one, but white households on average still have far more credit, mortgage value, assets and savings/inheritance), but to claim there's been no progress in 50 years is flat-out ridiculous.
Also, aside fro m the fact that Newark and Philadelphia don't have black majorities, Atlanta, which DOES have a black majority (Atlanta's population is 3/5 black) has one of the best and largest economies of any major city in the South. It's one of the wealthiest cities in the South and has a booming middle class (mostly the black middle class) that has grown literally 4x over since the late 70s. But of course racists love to cherry-pick when it comes to what they portray about black people. Of course they'll pick what they know are the worst-off cities with black people in them and pretend that's what all cities with a significant black population are like. By that logic I could use Eastern Kentucky, Central Tennessee, the Inland Empire, Arizona or Charleston, WV (all majority-white areas with HUGE poor white populations) to represent all of white America.
Um hasn't it been suggested that original homo sapiens sapiens were black skinned, and pale skinned homo sapiens were either a result of cross breeding with Homo Neanderthalis or due do mutations in skin pygmentation which may have resulted in albino humans being rejected by their communities and therefore more likely to mate with other outcasts like themselves, or Neanderthals.
So yeah, there are some arguments out there to suggest that blacks did indeed transform into whites.
So were we! You can find all of this, and more, on Fundies Say the Darndest Things!
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