The US is going to fall. But not in 2010. 2009 seems much much more likely. Some will call it the Second Civil War (as though there was a first, really it was the War of Southern Independence). Others will more accurately call it the Second American Revolution. On the one hand you will have globalist thugs on behalf of the "government" trying to enact the NWO on us against our will. On the other hand you will have patriots fighting to preserve their liberty. In the middle you will have bandits looting all they see, and innocent people who are just trying to survive.
Somewhere along the line the UN and EU will likely send troops over to assist our by then illegal and rogue "government" to suppress and the "rebellion" and to slaughter every last freedom-loving patriot with enough guts to stand his ground. Of course, the terrorists in DC (our rogue "government") and in New York (the UN) will falsely label those freedom-loving patriots as being terrorists.
This war will be precipitated by a massive economic collapse, that will make the Great Depression look like paradise. Government agents, probably disguising themselves as militia, will engage in some form of terrorist activity in order that the government can then give a "good" reason to go after and destroy all legitimate militia groups. Alternatively, they will try to provoke actual militia groups into engaging in violent activity. Of course, some militia groups are practically "chafing at the bit" for such a provocation - others are more level-headed. However, no matter how it ultimately goes down, the blame for why the Second American Revolution turned into a shooting war will rest with a rogue US government.
Many will call the above a "conspiracy theory" and other things of that nature. It is a prediction, and one that I feel to be frighteningly accurate. Some may call me crazy now, but let's just see if you're still calling me crazy a year or two from now. Because, it is going to go down very much like how I just described
So were we! You can find all of this, and more, on Fundies Say the Darndest Things!
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