[re: "Best of the public"]
Galileo isn't a clear-cut case. He was more of a political figure who was wrong about some basic stuff (like tides). His own contributions were not substantial.
I think Andy was dropped on the head as a child. Multiple times. Can a normal human brain actually be this stupid and delusional?
Maybe the reason everything he says or writes is so stupid is that his mind simply doesn't have the capacity to think and talk/type at the same time.
Heck, I know that breathing doesn't require thinking, but I'm getting near the point of wondering how Andy remembers how to breathe.
Galileo's case is pretty clear-cut.
Andy's grasp of history , science , everything , on the other hand....
I think a top 5 fundie list with profiles and examples of their quotes might also be good. Needless to say Andy Schlafly, who already has 3 quotes in the top 100 and has so many submissions here lately that FSTDT is beginning to look like his personal blog , would be the undisputed top fundie.
Galileo isn't a clear-cut case.
Only if your intent is to obfuscate the truth.
He was more of a political figure
And what, pray tell, does that have to do with the validity of his scientific contributions?
who was wrong about some basic stuff (like tides).
If being wrong about one thing invalidated everything a person said, did, or discovered then what does that say about you Andy? I guess you should be thankful that you are lying through your teeth.
His own contributions were not substantial.
Of they weren't, I mean they were was only the first steps toward modern Astrophysics . Sometimes I feel sorry for you Andy, But then i remember that the world needs someone to flip the burgers, unfortunetly that would require you utilizing science that you likely deny the existence of.
...Are you serious ? Not substantial? The man practically invented the freaking telescope, discovered that Jupiter had moons, and then named them, among other things.
Not substantial, my ass.
Oh, and I also second NightJaguar's idea.
"Galileo, was an Italian physicist and astronomer who improved the telescope, contributed to the field of mechanical physics, proposed the heliocentric model of Copernicus as the accurate universal model"
"He also invented a primitive thermometer and a barometer. "
"Galileo’s last book, the 1638 work Dialogues Concerning Two New Sciences , dealt with motion and mechanics. This work helped inspire Isaac Newton to create his theory of gravity, which linked Galileo’s mathematics and physics to Kepler’s laws of planetary movement."
" External Links
* Galileo Galilei - father of modern science according to Einstein "
Andy, not only are you going against established truths, you are also going against your own "encyclopedia"!!!
I really wonder.
What must be wrong with someone to deny reality like this? This cant be normal, I dont even think someone purposely lying can be this bad.
Perhaps modern psychology should do a study into people like Andy and try and find out whats wrong with them. They could help many people.
Of course, he wasn´t. After all, the scientist who research on your medicines or in the new spacecraft technology are using spectacles to do that, not his TELESCOPE.
Show me one person that has NEVER been wrong about anything, and you have a person who's never uttered a word.
He was prepared to be wrong sometimes, then he experimented a bit more until he found a theory that could be proven.
His contributions are paramount, indispensable. Yours on the other hand...
You are aware that the Church has made a posthumous apology (350 years too late) to Singnore Galilei, and that they revoked their sentence of 1633, 9 years ago? Aren't you?
I´ve seen this phenomenon before. I have met, believe it or not, Nazis who support Osama Bin Laden, Neo Nazis in Israel, Lebanese Ultra Nationalists supporting Osama or the State of Israel, Spanish falangists supporting radical islamists or even Basque pro-ETA groups, same goes with IRA and Ireland. Like Schlafly, are they nuts?, do they really believe all that bullshit?. Not really. The problem is that, being so anti-system and so fanatically anti-something or everything, they fall into this sort of ridicules, so long as they think it may make look them consistent and with integrity. What can you expect from a man who thinks that even the Bible is too liberal?
Let's crown Andy "the Fundie of the year" and see who is going to say the most stupid things next year.
But in essence I agree, Andy is the craziest promi-fundi alive who is not behind bars AND has no banana.
So, Andy Shitfly, since the Bible is "god's word" and it says that the Earth rests on pillars, insects have four legs and bats are wings.
Wouldn't that imply that god's contributions have not been substantial?
I guess this is pretty clear evidence that fundies aren't arguing against particular things that they themselves don't believe in. They're arguing against things people they think are generally wrong do believe in.
Big difference, and it's nice to see an example as far out as denying the scientific importance of Galileo.
"wrong about some basic stuff (like tides)"
Isn't it fair to give him some slack, since what we consider "basic stuff" may not have been basic at the time? Things can't be basic until they've been discovered and worked out in some detail. Never mind that part of being a scientist is being wrong.
I'd bet you're the type to believe ancient people were stupid because they didn't have *insert modern innovation*.
So were we! You can find all of this, and more, on Fundies Say the Darndest Things!
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