(In response to a transphobic quote)
Now I actually partially agree... If you were born with a dick, no amount of plastic surgery is going to let you have kids and get your period. All you are is a man with an inverted penis. I don't care if your gay and i still dont believe in God, but this is one of the rare occasions a fundie is somewhat kind of a little bit right...maybe.
If you were born with a dick, no amount of plastic surgery is going to let you have kids and get your period.
And I don't understand why this is even a problem. If they get doctor approval and they want this surgery, why the fuck do YOU care? It may not physically do anything, but it improves mental health. That IMO is a good thing.
SRS and Hormones aren't a cure, but they are a fairly effective treatment. There are presently many, many conditions for which a cure does not yet exist, but treatment does. As DarkPhoenix says, this is not really a problem. Nor does it change the fact that despite external appearance, MtFs are not male in any sense which really matters. To suggest otherwise would be incel-level superficiality.
"somewhat kind of a little bit right...maybe."
Good to know you're sure of the position.
As others have said, what business is it of yours anyway? Unless you're going to have sex with the MtF trans, you'll probably never know.
And for MANY of these folks you never know their actual chromosomal code, so there. Yes for most of the transfolk it`ll be their orginally thought one but there`s a much, much hightened % of xxy, reverses and more. Also wouldn`t be so quick to talk about infertility, I can carry my own young in my womb, it`s fully working and ready. In my case the process activated the dormant but otherwise perfectly formed organ.
One thing I've always wondered about transphobes (along with homophobes etc):
Someone wanting to be who they really are personally affects you... how ?!
I've never gotten a reply to this question. I wonder why ...?!
What if having kids and periods isn't the point?
If the point is feeling good about one's self, that's against fundie principles.
Fundies are only happy when they're miserable.
So the definition of a woman is 'someone who has periods and bears children'? So people born without dicks, but choose not to have children aren't women? People born without dicks, but have had a hystorectomy aren't women? People born without dicks, but have gone through the menopause aren't women?
Philbert McAdamia
"Fundies are only happy when they're miserable."
I think you mean when everybody is as miserable as them, which is why they can be so concerned with things that don't affect them at all
All you are is a woman with an enlarged clitoris. All embryos are female at one stage in the development, that's why we all have nipples. If a particular enzyme is missing, the embryo will continue as female, regardless of the Y chromosome.
This is one occasion you turn slightly fundie, jimbo.
I'm a straight woman, born as female with all the female parts, and periods. I'm still not able to have kids.
So were we! You can find all of this, and more, on Fundies Say the Darndest Things!
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