No, it's not just the "incorporeal soul" that will be tormented. After we die, the souls of the wicked will go to a holding tank called "Hades," where they will suffer some form of spiritual torment. This torment is a foretaste of hell, but is not the same as the Lake of Fire in Revelation.
Chapter and verse, PLZTHXBAIBAI.
At the resurrection, God will raise both the wicked and the dead to life and will give them immortal bodies. Those who trusted Christ for salvation will spend eternity in Heaven with Him.
Make friends with the Don, and you'll be part of the family. Gotcha.
However, those who rejected Christ will be raised and consigned to hell. They will spend eternity in the Lake of Fire in a physical, immortal body, which will be subject to eternal torture.
To show us how loving and kind God is, of course. How the fuck do you reconcile this? There's no lesson, no chance for redemption, just...cruelty of the highest order.
That body will be burned, but it will not be consumed or destroyed, because it is immortal. Does that make sense?
No, for two reasons. First, the pain of being burned is BECAUSE your flesh is being consumed. If that ain't happening, there's no pain. Second, again, it blows massive holes in your "all-loving" deity theory.
Some theologians hold that the righteous will actually be able to see the wicked. I personally hope that God doesn't let me see this when I die, because I have had friends and loved ones who have gone to hell and I do not want to see them be punished. don't want to see it, not because of the injustice, not because of the cruelty, but because you don't want a downer on your Eternal Lobotomy.
But if that's God's will, I'm sure I will have a full and complete understanding when I'm with Him in heaven, and I will understand both his mercy and his justice.
Mercy...I don't think you understand the meaning of this word. Mercy means you SPARE someone pain and suffering. Not inflict it.
[EDIT! Because there's more!]
Blackclaw, what if you set the house on fire yourself, and then Jesus came to save you from the fire that you started? That would be merciful, wouldn't it?
Certainly. However, the way you describe it, it's more of a Jesus comes to the window of the burning house, and says, "Just so you know, there's a $1000 Saving fee. Paid in advance, of course." If he is the Savior of man, we are all safe. Hell is null, because he paid for sin in full. Period. Not just if you believe in him, not just if you go to church every Sunday, not just if you protest abortion clinics, or gay marriages, or whatever crusade you guys are on this week. It is salvation. Period. End statement. Otherwise, he's no more than a corrupt court official, springing his friends from prison, while letting everyone else rot. And you call this just.