My question is, is it ok for a Christian to buy goods or services from a companies who has Atheists executives. How can a Christian justify buying something from a company who is headed by someone who denies the existence of God?
Is there a resource where I could find Christian approved businesses somewhere, because I suppose that as long as the company itself does God's work, it would be ok to buy from it.
Hi. Fundie from RR. Even I find this post funny. Whatcha gonna do call the ceo of Coke or Pepsi and ask if they are Christians before you drink a Pepsi or Coke? Now locally in my town if there are say two small businesses which provide the same services and I know one owner is an athiest and one is a Christian then I will give the Christian my business. Same thing about Democrats and Republicans. I'll give my business to Republicans, although one of my best friends is a Dem and she owns a spa.....I confess I'm a traitor there....I do so love their foot massages. Sigh.
I think someone is suffering from a Case of OCD.
Nowhere in scripture are we told to avoid non believers. Gah.
You can quote a Christian on this "Atheists are people too".
The Answers are No and No.
Your only option is to grow all of your own food,- try a window box -, and make all of your own clothes, -knitted from dog hair-, while living in a hollowed out stump.
Sucks to be you but, hey, it's what God wants.
It's OK for a Christian to buy goods or services from companies that have rendered unto Caesar, using money from salaries that have also rendered unto Caesar.
It's not OK for a Christian to buy goods or services from A companIES, no. Very poor grammar, indeed.
I'd say that there are more non-Christian religious people who deny the existence of your particular God. Most atheists are agnostic atheists, saying that we don't know, but as there is no evidence for the existence of ANY gods, we will live our lives as if they don't exist.
Most companies are doing Capitalism's Work, not God's, silly.
My question is, is it ok for an athiest to buy goods or services from a companies who has christian executives. How can an athiest justify buying something from a company who is headed by someone who believes in faeiries, talking snakes, shy-pixies and ancient bronze-age myths??
Is there a resource where I could find secular approved businesses somewhere, because I suppose that as long as the company doesn't believe in made-up shit, it would be ok to buy from it.
"And the multitude of them that believed were of one heart and of one soul: neither said any of them that ought of the things which he possessed was his own; but they had all things common."
- Acts 4:32 (KJV)
So according to the Bible, there are no Christian businesses by definition. Hope that helps.
So were we! You can find all of this, and more, on Fundies Say the Darndest Things!
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