[We weren't made in the image of anything. We resemble apes because of the closeness of our DNA and the fact that we shared a common ancestor.]
We don't resemble apes, Maragon.
Tell that to a black man. He will sue you.
Am, will you sue me if I point out that we also resemble monkeys, dogs, frogs, fish and trees?
Why on earth would anyone suggest that a statement that "we resemble apes" is directed toward black men? Oh yeah, because that is the kind of twaddle that he or she actually believes.
Racist are dumb fucks, worse than the average fundie. Combine the two and you have a person who is a waste of space in the world.
Funny, I just tested this with my long-time buddy, who happens to be Jamaican.
Me: "According to this post, we resemble apes because of the closeness of our DNA and the fact that we shared a common ancestor."
Him: "Well, yea. You mind paying attention to the aggro? These mobs are killin' ma warlock."
We resemble apes, rather strongly too.
What about a purple man? Can I tell a purple man? Will he sue me?
Racists see racism everywhere, even when it's not there.
Apes are...primates, bi-lateraly symetrical bipeds, omnivores, have binocular vision, are facialy expressive, walk on their hind legs, have flat facesm have 5 fingers and toes on each hand and foot.
Humans are...primates, bi-lateraly symetrical bipeds, omnivores, have binocular vision, are facialy expressive, walk on their hind legs, have flat facesm have 5 fingers and toes on each hand and foot.
WOW! I don't even know a filthy Frenchmen who would have the balls to say that!
(it's okay, i'm a filthy frenchman)
Holy non-sequitur, Batman. Interesting how you accelerate from "ape" to "black man" in less than 3 seconds. Tells us something about your thought processes, if you don't mind me saying so.
And btw, I'm actually quite proud to resemble apes. I just wish I had the same weight-to-strength ratio and agility as our cousins, but hey, that's evolution for you.
Sadly the only resemblance to apes you are displaying, Am, is your tendency to throw around your (mental) poop.
If I say that In my opinion you're a dickhead and a moron will you sue me AM?
One of my favorite singer once said
"I met God. She's Black"
I'm pretty sure you will be pleased to meet her at your judgement hour.
So were we! You can find all of this, and more, on Fundies Say the Darndest Things!
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